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It's A Supernatural Life


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Raven double-checked to make sure her own anti-possession medal was around her neck before following July. She thought about what her fellow hunter had said. Raven had never been one for ink, but July had a point - necklaces and charms could be ripped off of someone, if it came right down to it. Not as easy to get rid of a tat.


She walked with her pistol ready; she had changed out her silver-plated bullets for iron ones packed with salt. If she needed silver, her crossbow bolts would suffice.

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"Wha...?" She started but then remembered that Sarah was a Trickster and that they can make things as real as her out of thin air. "Okay." July stopped and pulled her sleeve up so that Sarah could see the tattoo. "I could have hooked you up with the tattoo artist later." She said and glanced at Sarah then at Raven.
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Raven backed close to them, eyes flicking left and right, "Hurry it up, wouldja? This place is creeping me out, and the longer we stand here, the worse it gets."
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Sarah holds out her own forearm. "Hold still now, I am going to have to trace the pattern so I can copy it accurately." Sarah holds out her index finger, and gently traces the tattoo on July's arm with her fingernail, and for every line she traced, the same line would appear in black ink on her own forearm. Before long, the tattoo was on her arm too. "There we go! Thanks a bunch! I may move the tattoo later to somewhere less.. visual, but I will keep the tattoo." Readying her firearm, she says "Locked and Loaded! Let's go!"
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July only nodded to both Raven and Sarah and continued investigating the ghost town, pistol in her hand.


It wasn't a big town but maybe its' size made it even more creepy. Abandoned buildings and even cars.... July heard thunder and looked up. Storm clouds were hovering above them. "That's exactly what we need." She mumbled quietly and continued looking around. She noticed how someone or something hid behind the wall of one of the buildings. She gestured for the others to stop. "Saw that?" She asked them.

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"I think we shouldn't follow whoever or whatever it was. Maybe that's exactly what he wants: to follow him and run straight into an ambush." July wanted to explore more while at the same time she wanted to wrap up business here and return to Jim's and Whistler's places. "Maybe we should call for help?" She suggested, thinking about their new angel buddy because even with someone as powerful as Sarah on their side she felt that it's not enough.
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Raven kept her gun trained, "If you mean the Winged Nut, sure. I don't have the warm and fuzzies about following whatever that was, either."
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