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It's A Supernatural Life


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"Sounds good to me." July said as she listened to the opinions. "Let's just hope that there is a signal in this place for both cellphones and heaven radio." She added and looked around some more. They could really use all the help they could get.
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Raven wasn't willing to let her guard down, "Sarah? I've got my cell phone in my back jeans pocket. Jim's number is programmed into the contacts list. See if you can get a signal from here."
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"Sure! Leave it in the back pocket so you can accuse me of fondling your ass why don't you?" Sarah says, half annoyed, half sarcastic. She grabs the phone out of Raven's pocket and fiddles with the buttons, searching the contacts for Whistler or Jim. After a moment, she gives up, and just tells the phone "Whistler" and it dials the number.


Whistler was enjoying a cup of tea, when the phone rang. Picking it up, he says "This is Whistler's Rentals! How may I.."


Sarah cuts him off. "Whistler it's Sarah. Listen, we need some backup. There is at least one, maybe more things here. See if you can come here ASAP."


Whistler sighs, and says "Fine. I will see if any of the others left can come along too." He hangs up the phone.


Sarah looks at the others. "Whistler is gonna come, and he's gonna see if David or Jim feel up to coming too. That reminds me for whatever reason, what happened to Madeline? Haven't seen her around since that argument."

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"I wish I knew." July 'replied' to Sarah's question about Madeline. They could really use her help as well if the woman will even bother to show up or at least get back from wherever she is because it doesn't look like anyone saw her at Jim's or Whistler's.


Not wanting to shout and attract unwanted attention to their small group, July tried to contact their angel buddy with her mind. She simply thought what she'd say if she was speaking out loud. So far. Nothing...

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"I haven't seen her, either," Raven replied, "Look, we need to get to a more defensible position. I don't like standing out here in the open."
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"You're right." July said and looked around. "We should find someplace safe..." She thought and scanned the area. She knew nothing about this town or why was it abandoned and because of it she did not know which building would be the safest. "Maybe there?" July said and pointed to the building where a small grocery store used to be.


"It is safe." July suddenly heard a voice behind her and spun around pointing her pistol to where the voice was coming from. Nathaniel watched the pistol which was pointed at him with slight curiosity. "Hello." He said and looked at all three girls. "Jesus! Stop doing that!" July hissed at him. "Do what?" The angel questioned. "Showing up like that!" Nathaniel said nothing he just stared at the huntress.


July found his silent stare incredibly creepy so she looked away from him. "Well if he said that the place is safe then let's go." She said and made her way to the abandoned grocery store.

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Whistler starts getting his battle gear. He changes into jeans, a white shirt, and a leather vest. He reaches to a crossbeam, and grabs his sawed off shotgun, and he gets his silver knife from the drawer in the kitchen. He puts his pistol in the pocket of his coat, and going to the armory, he notices something that was never there before. A sword. It looked like a katana, but not quite as long, and when he pulled it out, it had an odd sheen to it. Smelling it, he sees it is coated in an acid. He guesses the blade is made of silver or something, and also might have some sort of anti demon thing to it. Thinking What the hell? to himself, he finds the leather bondolier that it attaches to, and, after cutting a triangular hole in the back of his coat for the hilt, he straps the sword to his back, and does a quick, but good sewing job to make the hole neat. He grabs an assault rifle, figuring whatever had Sarah worried would be strong, and got blessed silver bullets. Ready for anything, he limps over to the store, and bangs on the door. "You lot! They need backup at the ghost town! I'm heading over there now, I left directions on a piece of paper in the mailbox here! Catch up if you can!" With this, he rushes to his corvette, and gunning the motor, he drives like a bat out of hell to the ghost town. He sees the group go into an abandoned grocery store with the angel, and sees a few demons follow them. Rushing the demons from behind, he sprays them in the back with blessed bullets from his assault rife, and the demons smoked out. "Catch you f*ckers at a bad time?"
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Raven had crouched behind an empty freezer just when the demons burst in. Behind them came Whistler, killing them with his shotgun.


"Nice timing," she called.

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July peered outside through the window and saw the demons pouring in. She took both of her pistols and started shooting the demons. Even though she was busy July saw Whistler's grand entrance which was truly grand. "About time you showed up!" July shouted as she kept shooting the demons.


Nathaniel stood still in the grocery store when the demons came. He started killing those who were running towards him. The last time he helped them these strange humans got angry so he decided to kill only those who were after them and leave the rest for the hunters to deal with.

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