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It's A Supernatural Life


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Autumn stared at the girl. She still had no clue why Whistler chose her instead of someone else. The huntress also hated to drag people into these things, life as a hunter is one of the worst things to happen to someone as it usually starts by the death of some family member... although this girl, Jennie was dragged in by someone else.


"That's what I was talking about. That job was never finished. I thought that others did when I left but it seems not." She said and looked outside at her car, four door black 1968 Chevrolet Chevelle. She loved that car. "I doubt we need to worry about it. Something terrible would have happened if whatever it was possessed a great threat." The huntress mumbled. Sure, she heard about the Apocalypse which luckily never fully came to be, now where are other problems.


"I can't help finding any of them. I haven't talked with those people in years." She replied looking back at the woman who was enjoying her food. Autumn thought it was awfully reckless of Whistler to tell his niece about the supernatural. Other hunters usually try to protect their friends and loved ones from the horrible truth, yet he didn't.

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Jenassa paused between bites to take a sip of her drink, and noticed something seemed to be troubling July.


"Look, I can tell something's bothering you. I don't need psychic powers to read that. If this is about the whole 'keep your family out of it' thing, it was kinda too late for that. First time Whistler took me camping, we were attacked by a vampire. The thing tried to bite into my throat, and it wasn't no sparkly fairy vampire, this thing had waay too many teeth, right? So he cuts it's head off, and then shows me how the teeth retract, and to avoid getting attacked, how to recognize a vampire in future. I learned as much as I could on my own, and every few years, Whistler would come to visit and take me camping again, and he'd teach me more, how to shoot, how to wield a blade right, that sort of thing. I know as much as he could teach me. Then the last time he and I went camping, he said I would probably not see him again after that, and that he was proud of me. A few days later, I came home to my mom being in the kitchen with a lawyer, who said Uncle Henry was dead, and that he left me his car, and his house. I drove out to check out the place, and found a letter telling me to seek out you, as well as every other hunter he'd been friends with. When I got back to my parents, I found my father had been ripped apart by something, and my mother was in hysterics. I left that night to seek you out, and that was almost a year ago. Don't make that be for nothing." She settled back after her speech, and finished off her food.

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Black 1968 Chevelle.


"Paydirt!" Raven chuckled to herself as she eased her own black car - a 1966 Mustang - into the parking space beside the Chevelle. Either she was incredibly lucky, or someone was watching from above. In any case, she was happy for a bit of good news...the first she had gotten in a couple of years.


It was raining like cats and dogs outside, and she waited a few minutes for it to slack up before jumping out of her car and jogging into the restaurant. Lightning flashed as she strode inside, her boots shedding water on the welcome mat and the brim of her black hat dripping. Sure enough, the hunter saw July at a table with some other strange girl. Removing her hat and shaking it dry, she nodded and winked to her former acquaintance.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Jenassa looked up at the woman approaching the table, and fumbles for something within her pocket. She pulls out a photo, and compares the woman who now stood near the table to the person in the picture. She stashes the picture, and says to the newcomer,


"You! You're Raven. You knew my uncle Henry. Perhaps you will be a little more open with speech than July has been. I'm Jenassa, but you can call me Jennie, or whatever you want for that matter too." She said half flirtatiously.


"My uncle, you may remember him, he drove the corvette you would have seen in the parking lot.. owned a farmhouse out in the country. He often went by Whistler rather than Henry as well, so perhaps you recognize THAT name? Well, I've been sent out here to learn the Job, how to pick up new targets, how to recognize things in the paper caused by monsters, or caused by normal events. That sort of thing. I know how to fight, how to swim, Henry taught me a lot. Oh, and before you ask, he died a little while ago. I tracked down what happened to him. Died fighting two wendigo. His flamethrower was broken, so he charged them with a molotov. I buried him myself." She seemed rather sad, but gestured to a chair, and offered the open chair to the woman, and signaled the waitress over. The waitress came to the table, and asked Raven if she would like coffee or anything, and complained generically about the weather.

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"So what exactly do you want for me?" Autumn asked as she watched Jennie. She didn't really care why Whistler dragged her into this kind of life but it seemed that he had a reason. She would have made up something instead of spilling the beans but that's only her.


The huntress looked up as she noticed the door opening. Her expression changed as she saw who entered the cafe. "What is she doing here?" She thought and nodded back to Raven. She was glad to see a familiar face and especially that the woman is alive.


Autumn noticed that Jennie pulled out some picture from her pocket and looked at it before addressing Raven. She could not remember ever having her picture taken back then. "Creepy..." She said quietly to herself.

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Raven blinked a few times at this Jenassa, her brain trying to sort out the massive mouthful the girl had just spit out, "Eh...whatever you just said. Try to talk a little faster, wouldja?" She snorted sarcastically. She asked for a simple cup of black coffee and sat at the empty chair, raising an eyebrow at Jennie, "If you're uncle is - was - Whistler, I'm surprised he didn't teach you to keep your trap shut about this stuff in public. Your 'new' is showing."


She smirked at July and pulled up her jacket sleeve to show a new anti-possession tattoo on her wrist, "Took your advice."

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A white Ferrari 458 Spider sped down the busy streets of new york, Amy didn't particularly have anywhere to go, but she needed a coffee, that much was sure. Seeing a small cafe tucked away, she manoeuvred into an empty parking space, shutting off the engine of her car. She pulled up the collar on her trench coat, and grabbed her umbrella from the glove box. Once the door swung up open, she pushed the umbrella open, shielding her from the rain. She closed her car door, and walked towards the cafe. her blonde hair was in a simple high, straightened ponytail, and she was clad in her Burberry trench-coat, some skin-tight leather jeans, and a pair of black heeled boots that almost reached her knee.


She had lost a considerable amount of weight since she met the hunters last, and her once bright clothing and makeup choices were dark. They most likely would never recognise her, not even from photographs.


Once she pushed open the door to the cafe, she shut her umbrella, and wiped her boots on the mat. She walked over to the counter, and said in a rather quiet voice "Coffee please."

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"Oh? Good to hear." She said with the slight smile on her face when she noticed the anti-possession tattoo on Raven's wrist. She looked at her own wrist, the tattoo was covered with the sleeve of her Def Leppard hoodie but it was there.


The huntress chuckled at last Raven's words. She said nothing when Jennie spoke about vampires and such as she found other people's that heard what she was talking about reactions amusing as well as how the girl didn't realize that hunters don't speak about these things in public.


She looked up in time to see some fashionably dressed woman at the counter. The shoes she wore looked so uncomfortable...


Autumn turned back to Raven. "What brought you here?" She looked at her cup. Empty. Time to order more coffee.

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Jennie nodded, chastised. She never knew you weren't supposed to talk about hunter things in public. She followed Raven and July's gaze, and pulled out a different photo, then hissed,


"That looks remarkably similar to the woman labeled as Amy in this photo, just much thinner. Excuse me." She stood up and walked across the cafe to the fashionable lady, stared at by every patron. She didn't care, her punk rock style clothing didn't exactly blend in, nor did her blood red bangs. She tapped the lady on the shoulder, and quietly asked,


"You. You're Amy, right? My uncle told me to look for you, as well as the rest of his old friends. Perhaps you remember him? Henry Daily, also known as Whistler. He owned a farm, as well as the 1966 Red Chevrolet Corvette in the parking lot. Come, join our table. Some of your other friends are nearby. By the way, my uncle said to say when I saw you that he's sorry he killed your girlfriend. He says that Sarah became so upset after you left, and she searched and searched, eventually wiping some small town off the map. He had to put her down. He would be here himself, but he's dead. Now, why don't you come over here and join us? The more, the merrier!"



A Harley-Davidson motorcycle roared into the parking lot of the cafe. Amber switched off the bike, and after getting off the bike, pulled the tarp out of the small compartment on the back, and tossed it over the motorcycle to keep it dry. She made her way into the cafe, the body she was in needed nourishment after all. She noticed a woman with an anti-possession tattoo on her wrist, and hissed, but hid it by pretending she was blowing her nose. Why were there always hunters? she thought to herself. Using some hand sanitizer from her purse, these humans were obsessed with hygiene after all, she smiled flirtatiously at the woman with the tattoo, and said,


"Cool tattoo, gorgeous. Care to enlighten a girl as to what it means?"

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