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It's A Supernatural Life


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Amy Didn't take in an ounce of what the strange girl just said to her, the only thing she managed to get from that was Uncle, Whistle, and Girlfriend. "Look, i really am not in the mood for talking... if you want a whistle for your uncle's Girlfriend, look in the shops." Amy said dismissively, taking the coffee that was handed to her, and walking over to an Empty table. She set her handbag down on a seat next to her, and slid the coffee onto the surface. She sighed heavily, taking a sip, and then checking her phone. Once she did that, she buried her head in her hands, not to cry, just because she wasn't feeling at all happy. Even if that girl came to talk to her, she would just blank her. Amy definitely was not in a state for conversation that moment. Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Autumn wondered what help Raven would possibly need. Is someone after her?


She was about to ask something when some woman walked up to their table. For some reason she didn't like the woman, though she dislikes everyone at first. "It has a pentagram in it. I thinks it's obvious what it means." The huntress said not even caring that the question wasn't directed at her.

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"Nothing you need to know about," Raven answered the strange woman tersely. She took a sip of coffee, wondering why all of these strange people were hovering around them.
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Amber pouted.


"Come on now! I know it means more than you let on. I am quite good at reading huma- I mean people." She caught herself. No good revealing what she was yet. Unfortunately, this wasn't lost on Jennie, who had returned to the table confused.


"Christo" Jennie muttered. Amber flinched, and her eyes changed briefly from green to golden yellow before returning to green. She forced a smile and said to Jennie,


"Bless you? You seem to have sneezed." Amber said nervously. If these people were hunters, chances are they were going to try and exorcise her, or kill her. She lowered her voice and muttered,


"All right, you caught me. I came to nourish this body before going after a ghoul that's been stealing corpses from the local graveyard. It sounds crazy, but I'm a hunter too. I've been hunting for over 500 years now. I don't look half bad for a thousand, eh?" She winked and continued.


"Just leave me be, I won't harm you. I don't believe in the old fashioned, demon must kill human thing. Sure I'm possessing a principal. It was her desire. She found out she had cancer, and summoned me at a crossroads. Said she wanted not to die. So, I took over her body. Now, if you'll excuse me, I think I'll go find myself a new cafe." She made her way towards the door.


Jennie wanted to take this demon out, but stabbing someone in a public cafe often led to awkward questions and police. So she settled at sliding the letter from Whistler in front of Amy, hoping that if her voice wouldn't jog the woman, the letter would. It explained about his death, as well as what Jennie's orders were. Jennie cleared her throat at the woman and said, slowly and clearly,


"Look, I can tell you're going through a lot right now, but this is more important. Whistler. Owned a farmhouse? Near a bunker owned by a man named Jim? You lot fought a dragon together? Ringing any bells? Or how about the name Sarah, hmm? The trickster you fell in love with?" Jennie hoped she could make the woman understand.

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Amy lifted her head slightly from the table, the light casting dark circles under her eyes. "What?!" She said in a shaky voice, looking down at the letter. She skimmed through the letter and then looked up at the girl. "Why now? Why did this have to happen?... Now." Amy said, all of her old memories rushing back to her "Sarah's dead, whistlers dead... And you came to find me? Why? What for?! Those day's are long behind me... they never happened! I'm a model.... not a... Hunter." Amy said pushing the letter away, her face in a saddened look, and she was utterly confused.
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Autumn was about to tell the annoying woman to go away before she broke her nose but then Jennie used an old hunter's trick and the woman showed her true self. She was a demon.


"Yes, you're a hunter. You hunt specific types in specific numbers for some unholy ritual." The huntress mumbled. She hated demons with passion, it was personal and she knew just as well as any other hunter in the world that all demons are the same. Twisted and evil. "You're lucky we're in public." Autumn hissed as she glared at the demon.


Not even the woman who was talking not so quietly distracted her from watching the demon. Oh, how she wanted to send her back to hell but it was too risky to do this here.

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Raven paid for her coffee, leaving the cash on the table, and rose quickly. She narrowed her eyes at this stranger, "I've had more than I can take of your kind. I'm out of here. July, if you want to talk, I've got a hotel room at the Holiday Inn two blocks down. And you," she looked pointedly at the demon, "will get shot if you follow me. Or worse."
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Just as Amber was going to walk out, with a shimmer and an odd flicker, an old man with long, steel grey hair, blue grey eyes, a scarred face, and a sour expression appeared, wearing a collared shirt, leather vest, and a long leather coat with jeans and older man walking shoes. He sourly regarded Autumn for a moment, and said,


"You changed, July. Used to be you'd help someone who came to you. You also used to be a bit more trusting. I send my niece to you, and this is how you repay me?" Objects started hovering around the cafe and flinging around, causing patrons to panic and scream, until Amber ran up and threw a handful of salt that she'd taken out of a salt shaker through the apparition, who vanished, dispelled. All the objects fell to the ground, some breaking, or clanging. Clearing her throat, she saw a few people duck out while everyone was distracted, and figured out a way to diffuse the situation. Cupping her hands, she shouted at the panicky crowd,


"Congratulations, everyone! You've been Punk'd! You're all gonna be on Television!" Some young guy from the crowd was a little smarter than the rest and inquired about the apparition. She smiled at him, and replied,


"Hologram Technology we imported from Japan. Pretty cool, huh? So, our legal guys will be along within a day or two to have you all sign wavers and whatnot. My team and I should probably get down to our next location!" leaning in to the table, she muttered,


"Just play along. Don't have to like me, in fact I know at least one of you hates me. However, how else are you gonna explain this off? Quick, before the old timer reappears!" Jennie was looking shell-shocked and miserable. It was her uncle. Her favorite, and only uncle, the one who used to take her camping. She sniffled slightly, and a tear ran down her face.

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Autumn stood still for a moment. As soon as she saw Whistler's ghost her hand reached towards her pistol which was luckily hidden underneath the hoodie but she hesitated to shoot the ghost. His words had no effect on her. People change and not always for better.


The demon however found a good way how to trick the people in cafe but Autumn wasn't about to thank her or anything. She only nodded to Amber and looked back at Jennie who was standing there looking all miserable. "So you're just gonna stand there or come with me?" She asked as she made her way towards the exit. The huntress wanted to speak with Raven but because she refused to speak with the newcomer around she assumed it's something really important.


Autumn stepped outside and sighed heavily. "What happened there in the cafe with Whistler... that's vengeful spirit stuff..." She thought. Every hunter who had dealt with vengeful spirits knew this much. She wondered if the girl, Jennie knew this too...

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Raven rolled her eyes at the whole incident and strode outside quickly and without a word. She had bigger fish to fry.


It was still raining. The hunter ducked into her Mustang and started the engine, intent on returning to her hotel room. If July wanted to follow her, that was fine, but she wasn't going to linger.

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