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It's A Supernatural Life


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There was a slight dinging sound, and the elevator opened. Raven grinned as Amy was the first to jump in. She followed closely and pressed the button for the third floor.


Once the doors opened again, Raven headed to the left and walked to the end of the hall, sliding her key into the door and gesturing to the others, "Come on in, but hurry up," she pointed to the thick line of salt she had poured under the door, and then jerked her thumb at the maid's nearby cart, "I don't want to have to explain this to housekeeping."

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Jennie just relaxed at Rachelle's place, and chatted. It was nice to rest and relax for once. Rachelle was still as sweet and charming as she had been back when they had dated, and after a few drinks.. things got a little heavy. (not gonna go into details) She spent an enjoyable night with Rachelle, and slept until late the next day.


Amber simply soaked in the tub, enjoying the feel of hot water against her skin. She found her thoughts turning to the girl known as "Jennie" or Jenassa. She mentally slapped herself, those kinds of thoughts would lead to ruin. She flicked her hand at a radio, and heard a song about riding black unicorns come out of the speakers. She wondered about that, and decided at some point she would track down a unicorn for herself, and dozed in the tub for a time.

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Bray Road, outside of Kansas City



Shaemus looked up at the full moon as he road hard, the distinctive roar of his bikes engine piercing the night sky like a demon from the depths of hell. This was strange to him, the moon shown bright and full yet it would not change him he felt no urge. His senses had heightened that is for sure, he smelled them. The pack leader and four wolves and they were closing fast.


He glanced over his shoulder and saw the shapes in the distance. The leader was the person he was looking for, a long scar across his chin that ran over his eye. The four wolves bayed at him mockingly, he reached back and grabbed the sawed off stock of his 1887 winchester shotgun and gave it a flip to chamber a silver slug.


"This is gonna get dirty..." He said to himself in his thick irish accent just as two of the wolves at his heels sprinted for him. Like a vaquero trick-rider Deuce dodged the first swiping strike by leaning away, the werewolf was a tall burly male with dark brown hair. His eyes transfixed on him. The female werewolf, a small asian looking woman on his right jumped up and swung at him and Shaemus laid back just in time, he sprung up and placed the barrel of the shotgun at the male werewolves chest and fired. The slug buried itself in the wolves heart and he dropped like a stone. Deuce smirked but soon things went alittle fuzzy as he felt his head slam into the handlebars and then he lost control and laid his bike down. He slid to a stop when the four werewolves caught up with him.


"Mr O'Malley, I have heard of you. The Wolf that Hunts Wolves.." Said the leader. Shaemus, bloody and bruised pulled himself off the wreck and stood. He levered the next round in his shotgun with a gunslinger like flip and then unzipped his leather jacket, he spat up blood and smiled.


"Good to see you again Michael, Last I saw you was what? A year ago in Oregon, That is when I gave you that face lift. He placed his hand on his side like he was injured and smiled.


The leader growled in anger and signaled to the two male Werewolves next to him. "Kill him..." Deuce smiled and leveled his shotgun at the first Werewolf to charge and fired, the silver slug embedded itself into the wolfs brain and he dropped, Deuce drew a large .45 pistol and quickly fired four shots, the silver rounds dug into the werewolves face and he went down. Deuce had little time as the third werewolf slammed into him and pinned him to the ground. This female one growled and looked deep into his eyes and opened her jaws.


"Wanna see a magic trick?" He flared his hand open to show a small eye-bolt shaped object hanging from the around his middle finger. When she realized that it was a grenade pin her face turned to pure shock, and her mouth opened wide. Deuce stuffed the grenade into her mouth and drove his pocket knife into her chin and through the roof of her mouth trapping the grenade in there, and with all his strength granted to him by the moon and kicked as hard as he could and the werewolf flew back and exploded into pieces of bone and gore. The explosion cracked through the night and was loud enough to wake the dead.


Deuce shot up and started cheering, his eye bruised so badly it was swollen shut and blood poured from his mouth "Gotta love the classics..." He said cockily to Michael. There werewolf lost it and charged Deuce. Deuce just rolled his eyes and fired a shot into each of Michael's hands. The werewolf howled in pain and rolled on the ground. Lights in the distance caught his eye and he knew it was the police.


"See, they come for us..." Said Michael...Deuce looked over his shoulder and then raised his pistol and fired his last shot into the lycans brain. He decided it was going to be strange enough to have to answer questions about a running gun battle with five naked people so he hopped on his bike and tore out of there. The cops didn't pursue him once they found the corpses.


A hour later at a gas station Deuce groaned to himself as he looked down to see he had two broken ribs, luckily the moon and his regeneration had already begun mending but it still hurt like hell he thought as he bought a package of donuts and some coffee and then rode off.

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Autumn stepped past the salt on the floor and entered the hotel room. It looked much nicer than her room in that cheap hotel she was staying though the bathroom here most likely looks better than the best room in her motel.


"What's up with that?" She asked and pointed to the salt. "Is something after you?"

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"You could say that," Raven replied, closing the door behind Amy and July. She then walked over to her bed and sat down on the edge, "After my whole family, actually. Which now is just me."


She sighed and looked up at her two fellow hunters, "Guess there's no beating around the bush about it. I'm a marked soul, and have been ever since I was born."

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Autumn stared at Raven for a brief moment before looking back at the salt. From what she knew the salt is used for either ghosts or demons... or hellhounds, though Goofer dust works better to keep the latter away.


"So someone in your family made a deal with the Crossroads demon or something?" The huntress asked as she looked back at Raven. It couldn't be a ghost because compared to other creatures who are vulnerable to salt, ghosts are easy to deal with.

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Raven smiled a little at Amy, "Good to see you, too. Doesn't look like life has been kind to either of us."


She sighed again and nodded at July, "Yeah. And the only reason I know that is because Vance rubbed it in my face. Don't suppose you remember him? The lead demon in the antique store way back when? He killed my parents and my grandparents, and then torched my ranch for the hell of it. That," she pointed to the salt line under the door and another one on the windowsill, "is because of him. I've already exorcized three more meatsuits of his. Been wondering when the fourth is going to come along. Funny thing about it is he's not the one who made the deal with my ancestor, and he won't tell me which demon did...but I know he knows. He wouldn't be rubbing my nose in it if he didn't. And that's why I came looking for you...I need help finding that crossroads demon and nullifying the contract before I die and go to Hell."

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Amy sighed "Life hasn't been Kind... well, in a respect to careers it has... to me it hasn't." Amy replied to Raven, then she listened to her tale. "Bloody hell Raven... your in a mess, and i complain that my life's bad. Well... i want to help, i don't know how much of that i can be but, after this week i don't have anything in the way of stuff to do." Amy remarked with a small smile.
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July listened to Raven's story, not wanting to skip a word. That's one hell of the mess she has gotten herself into. Though Raven didn't exactly had a say in this.


"Okay. I will help. Got any leads?" July was staying for over the week in New York and found no jobs. Maybe monsters prefers smaller towns or maybe the city is full of hunters.

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