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It's A Supernatural Life


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Jennie woke up in the middle of the night, and went to track down her cell phone. Since she didn't get a text back from July, she decided to text the other numbers she had, Raven, and Amy. She hoped neither of them had changed their numbers since Whistler's day. She texted Amy first to be sure. She stated,


"Hey, Amy. It's Jennie. If a case comes up, or if you need help, text me at.. Text me if you get this" She included her number, and hit send. She hoped the woman got the text. She sat down on the edge of Rachelle's bed, and the girl yawned and muttered, sleepily,


"What's wrong? Can't sleep?" Jennie shook her head, and told Rachelle to go back to sleep.


Amber woke up in the tub, annoyed that the water was cold. She got out of the tub, pulling the plug. She put on a nightgown and went to lay down. She didn't sleep much, but she took a short nap.

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Raven shook her head, "Not a damn thing. Jim and I did some research, but we couldn't turn up anything...not even on this supposed artifact that my ancestor got in return for the souls of all his progeny. Truth is, I've spent more time running from Vance than anything else...I was hoping maybe you could help me trap him or something."
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Amy raised an Eyebrow and said "If we know how to lure him, then it's not too hard to trap him... it'll take some cover-up work though if they find him once we are done... I mean you aren't going to let him get away are you? If it's interrogate and kill... I think i can pay the cops to turn a blind eye, or pin the blame on someone else." Amy suggested. After what Vance had done to Raven, well he certainly deserved to be exorcised permanently.
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July felt her phone vibrating in her pocket. She pulled it out and checked who texted her. "Whistler's niece Jennie texted me, asked me to pass her number to you guys and if we're gonna go after the demon we could sure use some help." The huntress suggested as she listened to Amy.


"I think we should summon the demon and interrogate it, then for the hell of it exorcise it."

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James rushed into the abandoned cabin, that thing that was chasing him... how could it... how could it just take the bullets like that? He waited inside, all he could think about was that thing, it was eating at the back of his mind, he had seen that thing before, when he was a young child. Back then it had done nothing but watch, now it wanted to kill him. James walked towards the window and lifted the blind, looking out.




There it was. "Holy s***!" he shouted, he stumbled back, the blind dropped and he shot the rifle out of the window. He stood there for a moment, before approaching the window, he lifted the blind and looked out. His eyes opened with shock. The thing was gone. He opened the window and leaned out. It was no where to be seen. James turned around and fell onto the floor, the thing was stood before him. James screamed it echoed around the woods. When he was reported missing and the police looked for him they found nothing except his abandoned hunting rifle. Empty, the shots used in a vain attempt to stop his attacker

Edited by Brutii
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Jennie remembered the group mention a hotel, and figured she would look for them in the morning, should she not text her back. Leaving her phone on, she got back into bed, and Rachelle, as affectionate in her sleep as awake, rolled over and grabbed onto her in her sleep. In this comfortable position, she dozed back off quickly.


Amber took a short nap, and woke sensing something strange. She looked over beside her bed, and saw a man there. His eyes flicked briefly to black, before returning to look blue. He shook his head and sat on the end of her bed.


"Amber... tut tut. Thought you would outrun us forever? You had to know when you turned your back on us we would hunt you down. You and that Raven B*tch. Her and her little friends. They've made some powerful enemies, and .." He didn't get any further than that, because while the idiot monologued, Amber had grabbed her Demon Killing Knife out of her nightstand and stabbed the man in the throat. She kicked the body away from her bed, and got dressed quickly, running to a nearby house, where she'd seen the old red sports-car that Jennie girl was driving. She recalled some shy librarian lived there. She ran over and buzzed the doorbell.


Rachelle woke up to hear her door buzzer, and saw that Jennie was already out of bed with a gun. Jennie gestured to Rachelle to stay put, and made her way to the door, flinging it open and pointing her gun.. at Amber? The Demon lady? She slowly lowered her weapon, and then demanded,


"How did you find me, and what are you doing here at this time of night?" Amber smirked at Jennie, who was wearing her underwear, and said,


"Look dear, I'm not here to disrupt your.. fun. I'm here on a serious note. A demon just attacked me, and said there are others after your friends. You may want to warn them, yes?" Jennie turned to see Rachelle standing there, in similar attire, holding the cell phone. Jennie smiled, and grabbed the device, and texted July.


"July, u and ur friends r in danger. Demons on their way, thank Amber for the Warning. I'm on my way, Jennie" She hit send, and prayed to whatever god listened that they would get the message in time. she rushed around, getting her clothes, and then, with promise of returning, ran off to her car, followed by Amber.


"No time to get my bike, I'm riding with you." She explained, and they both drove off to try and find the nearby hotels.

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July was about to put her phone away when yet again someone texted her. What the hell? She thought and read the message.


"Something's coming our way it seems." She said after she replied to the text message with 'Care to elaborate?'

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Jennie received a text. Finally She thought. She saw it was from July, and tossed the phone to Amber.


"You text. I'm driving." Amber nodded, and replied.


"Several demons on their way. Amber and I on our way, need your location. One attacked Amber, seems she's a renegade for being a human sympathizer. I heard about a few of them. I say we trust her for now." Amber showed the text to Jennie, who nodded her approval, and Amber hit send.

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Deuce pulled his bike into a motel parking lot and decided to check in. The clerk was a short fat man with slick black hair and a unkempt beard. Deuce paid in cash and took the closest room to his bike. After he paid he noticed the clerk never took his eyes off the tattoo on his shoulder. He shrugged it off but kept his eye on him.


When he got in he put a text to his friend Gizmo, Gizmo had a shop in the area that was special to hunters, he needed info and ammo.


Gizmo replied saying that he was in and he had some special information for him. Deuce grabbed a shot of whiskey from the mini-bar and downed it then took off. He got to Gizmos shop, it was a sporting goods store with a very big back room.


"Deuce! Your here look man I've got good info for you but I need you to do something for me?" Gizmo said as he came out from behind the counter, a mom and her daughter looked impatient at the clerks sudden abandonment of them. "i'll be right back, can you take care of those two?" Gizmo said as he took off for the back room.


Deuce shrugged and approached the woman, "I can I help you ma'am/" He said in his thick irish accent.


The woman was attractive, maybe late thirties and her daughter was around fifteen. The woman stared at him for a minute and he just shrugged. "No I don't work here but the owner is a friend of mine." She pointed at the pile of goods on the counter and he rung them up. For about a year Deuce hunkered down here when he got in abit of trouble with the Winchester brothers.


The lady paid with cash and as she left she gave him an appreciating eye. He went into the back room and Gizmo was tinkering with a H&K G36 assault rifle. Deuce smiled and came up to the counter, along the wall was an arsenal of guns, from Glock handguns to light machine guns and crossbows, even swords made of damascus steel that has silver inlaid in the blade.


Gizmo was a tinkerer and he often tested his ammo in the field with hunters, namely him and a few others. Gizmo smiled and placed two shotgun shell boxes in front of him. He held one shell up and beamed at it.


"This is called Dragon's Breath, it fires a timed explosive that ignites the Thermite cap and causes the target to ignite in a thousand degrees. Figured your going to want these in future. But I've got something for you, this something is an old hunter weapon." he said as he pushed the shells to him, he bent under the table and popped up two more cases of silver hollowpoints and a box of silver shotgun slugs then a crossbow with a quiver of arrows, the shafts made of wood and the heads made of silver-inlaid steel.


"Your going after a Vampire next mate." He said with a wide smile.


Deuce groaned, he hated vampires mostly because they hated him, specially after that whole incident in detroit. "look, I love you Gizmo but vampires?"


"A town down in florida is having issues with people dissappearing and then bodies shot up drained of blood, look go down there sniff around with that werewolf nose of yours and bring back the fangs and i'll compensate you with cash and the next location of the pack your looking for." Explained Gizmo, Deuce took the gear and stuffed it into a duffle bag. "Alright, but if I get bit I'm coming back to kick your ass..." He said over his shoulder as he walked out.


Deuce hopped on his bike after filling his saddlebags and rode off, heading south east, as he was riding he saw a woman toss her phone to her passenger and they were texting. Deuce smiled and shook his finger and then gunned the engine, the special supercharger in his engine kicking over and he rocketed passed.

Edited by Macman253
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Raven was about to agree with Amy and July when the latter spoke of trouble, "Dammit. They must've found my trail again."


She hopped off of the bed and opened the drawers of her nightstand, pulling out a box of salt. She tossed this to Amy, "Make sure those salt lines aren't broken, wouldja?"


The huntress then took a few extra boxes of Jim's specialty salt-packed bullets and made sure her revolver was fully loaded. She passed one of them to July. After that, she removed another weapon - an iron crowbar - from the drawers and closed them with her hip. She grinned and waved it at her friends, "Just in case the bullets don't cut it."


Tossing the crowbar on the bed, she asked July, "Anything else we can do last-minute?"

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