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It's A Supernatural Life


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"And why shouldn't you? I came here. I used no powers on you. Why should I lie on how to kill me when it isn't needed? As I did not kill anyone, that little stick is about as useful as chocolate." She snaps her fingers and turns the stake into chocolate, and bites the tip off. Edited by BaldurAnthology
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Raven noticed a newcomer, "Great. Now what? Did everyone on this side of the Mississippi just up and decide to invite themselves for a sleepover?"


She banged on the roof of July's car, "Wake-up sleepyhead! We've got a visitor!"

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July froze when she felt a presence near her. She felt only slightly relaxed when she found out that it was the trickster. "For the love of God! Not a moment of peace." She mumbled and sat up. "I know how to kill a Trickster you're not the first I've met." She then noticed how she turned the stick into a chocolate. "I could still shoot her in the face... just for the sheer pleasure." She thought. "Yes yes... I couldn't care less for your threats. Just know one thing. I do not believe in anything you just said. Now be so kind and get out of my car or I will kick you out myself!"


She was about to do that but Raven banged on the roof of her car. She looked outside and noticed the newcomer. "Madeline? Wow! You are fast." She said as she got out of her car.

Edited by Naktis
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"I come here under the flag of peace, and this is how you repay me? You Insolent little.." Sarah prepares to use what energy she has left to obliterate July, her eyes glowing purple. Just then Whistler came running up, hair flying out behind him, eyes wild, wearing pyjamas, and a house coat. "SARAH!!! What in SAM HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?" Sarah turns to him, power dying in her eyes, and with a flick, she is now standing in front of him. "I came over here to talk peace, and tell them I wasn't going to try and kill them, and they tell me they don't believe me!" Whistler looked sternly at everyone. "I suspect there is more to this, but I don't care. Why is it you cannot accept her? Why? Is it because of what she is, or what she can do?" He notices the lady in an annoyingly pink cardigan. "Lower that gun or she will attack. I only just realized that she isn't under a binding oath. What she said was 'So long as you remain alive, I shall honor and serve you under the Geas of a Life Debt.' And as long as noone attempts to harm her, she will not harm you. Sarah, back to the house, NOW!" Pouting, Sarah finished the last of the chocolate as to have the energy, and flicked her wrist, teleporting to bunker 95. "Now I am going to bed. Good Day."
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At that moment, Jim hobbled out of the store on his crutch, "What in the Hell...? Raven? What are you all standing around out there for? Get in here before somebody sees you!"
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She didn't reply and just sighed, putting the gun away. The first impressions of these people wasn't great.

" And you are?" She asked politely, adjusting her cardigan.



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She then turned to others. "This is Madeline. She's a fellow hunter and I know her." That's when she noticed that Sarah was about to do something to her but she didn't care nor was frightened. For various reasons she just didn't care anymore. "You are asking why we cannot accept her?" July inquired. "She's a Trickster for God's sake! Tricking people is in her very nature! And just what she did few moments ago proves that we cannot trust her." She was so annoyed by all this.
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