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It's A Supernatural Life


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July opened her eyes and stared at the roof. She was sober but her head hurt like hell. She rose from the seat and scratched the back of her head. For a moment she sat there trying to remember where she kept Aspirin. It was in the glove department.


The hunter rummaged through it and found some pills she quickly took them and got back to the back seat. She had a really strange dream last night and wondered if her drunken state caused it or does it mean something. She dreamt, that she was in some sort of bar in a middle of nowhere. Everything that was made of glass were shattered and everyone inside were dead with their eyes burned out of their skulls and as she was about to look for something that would help her to figure out who or what did this she was overwhelmed by the white blinding light and deafening sound. She fell to her knees and covered her ears but neither sound nor the light disappeared, quite the contrary it became even more blinding and deafening. She creamed and suddenly woke up. She did not know if the dream meant something or not but she decided not to tell anything to others, not yet at least she needs to find out if a bar she saw in the dream is real and she had to do something else.


July got out of the car and went to Jim's place. She saw Madeline and Amy there. "Hey, I gotta go and do some... personal stuff. See you all later." She said and with that went back to her car. She started an engine and left with Simple Man by Lynyrd Skynyrd blasting through the speakers.

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Raven waved to David as he passed through, then looked at Jim, "What's he doing?"


The old hunter shrugged, "Trying to look into a sword you found."


Raven nodded to the television, "Look. Three-alarm fire at an apartment building in Cheyenne."


Jim's face was grim, "That's the third time this month. You think it's a supernatural creature?"


"Could be," Raven murmured, finishing her can, "I'll talk to the others in the morning. For now, I'm going to bed. Night."


She then went to her bunk and crashed, not even bothering to remove her boots or hat.

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When morning was close, Sarah went and started making breakfast. She made Amy's last, so it would still be warm, and deposited trays of Pancakes, eggs, and sausage beside the beds of everyone beside's Amy. She then put extra care into making the food, She made the pancakes heart shaped, and included a cup of some expensive coffee stuff she found in a cupboard. She then blipped over to Jims, and after giving everyone else their breakfast, she went to where Amy was sleeping, The blanket had fallen aside enough to see she was wearing some lingerie, and briefly considered moving them more, then settled on placing the tray to one side, and leaning down to kiss her on the lips for a sweet wake up.



Whistler woke up, slightly confused. He saw the breakfast, and ate it, That trickster is a good cook. He thought to himself.

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"Hey, sweetie. Breakfast is here for you. Now eat before it gets cold." Sarah said, kissing Amy again. "Last night was amazing. I have never been that close to anyone before, never loved anyone. Thank you.' With one last kiss, this time with a bit of tongue play, she straighten's up.
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"Umm... neither have i. You are the one my Trickster." Amy said, kissing Sarah again. She ate her breakfast, which was thankfully quite small, as Amy did not eat much, and then she got up off the bed "I need to get ready." She said, going to the wardrobe and picking out a printed silk organza dress, with glass mosaic embroidery and a gold chain belt. She found a pair of matching light pink Lorenzi heels and some Mosaic jewelry. "I need to go grab a shower." She went to the bathroom and had a quick shower, and she returned to her room, changed into her dress and heels, and applied her makeup, light pink lips, and silver eyeshadow. She did her hair in waves, and put on her jewelry.
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July drove all night until she reached Buffalo again. Someone she knew lived there but she never thought to visit the guy but she changed her mind. She reached a very ordinary looking house in a quiet and peaceful street.


The hunter got out of the car and went to the door as she was about to knock a man in his late twenties opened the door. He looked like any other normal guy. "July? What are you doing here?" He asked, genuinely surprised to see her here. "I was in the neighborhood thought to visit you." She said as she entered the house and looked around. "Unannounced as always." The man laughed and closed the door. July glanced at the few books lying on the table and then back at the man. "Truth is... I came here for my car that I asked you to keep and I want you to keep my old one." The man looked through the window outside at the black Chevrolet Chevelle. "But wasn't this car your father's once and later your brother's?" He asked and looked back at July. "Yes but I don't want to drive it anymore. It will be safer to keep her here too." The hunter replied and approached the window as well.


For a moment they both stood near the window watching the car outside. "Is... is everything alright?" The young man asked. "Skip the couple's therapy, Mika. Now, where's my baby?" The man named Mika smiled. One thing she had in common with her late brother was the love for classic cars. He too called the car outside his 'baby'. "I sold the car. Thought you will never come to get it and I needed some space in the garage..." July glared at the man. "Are you kidding me!? I spent all my college money on that car and you sold it!?" Mika laughed and walked towards the door. "Jeez, relax! I was just kidding."


They both went to the garage. Inside was a single car, black Chevrolet Chevelle except this one had four doors instead of two. July smiled as she saw a car and for a moment stood quietly touching the side of the car gently.


Two hours later July was going back to Jim's place with the new car and will all her junk from the old one, including weapons and everything else. Before she left, July asked Mika to look into a sign of a bar she dreamt the night before and call her if he will find anything.

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While Amy got dressed and ready, Sarah went to everyone else, and woke them too. She kept true to her word, and was more neutral and commanding than flirty to all the other ladies in the bunker.


Whistler got up, showered, and left the dishes in the kitchen. He decided he had earned a bit of rest, and went to his study to read.

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