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It's A Supernatural Life


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July had finally returned to Jim's place. She took a quick shower and ate something at Mika's place though her head still hurt like hell. She got out of her new car and went to the house. She heard the shouting which made her head hurt even more. The noise was coming from upstairs so she went there too.


She didn't care for the reasons of this fighting but the noise was too much. "Alright, all of you shut the hell up!" The hunter said in a raised tone. Just one look at her could say that she was extremely annoyed because of it. The raised tone caused her head to hurt some more so she frowned and glared at most of them who were in a room. "Just leave for a bit to take care of some personal business and look what happens!" She went back downstairs and poured herself a glass of water.

Edited by Naktis
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Sarah sighs. "Fine. And you didn't start it. Amy did. From what I hear, you asked Amy who was taking care of her children and she gets pissy. However, you could help Whistler with the translation, or the news paper said somethin about fires. Go talk to anyone with the news paper, and send them over to Whistler. He might be able to tell what caused it, if Jim can't. Oh, one more thing. From now on, You and I hunt together. I watch your back, you make sure I don't get staked." Sarah leans in and kisses Amy, and then they are standing outside on the street between the store and Farm. "Later." Sarah says, walking away.


Whistler sees Sarah come back, and snaps at her "Where the hell were you? I coulda used your help!"

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July sat in Jim's kitchen and drank the water she looked through the window to see what's happening outside but she couldn't see anything interesting. That whole arguing upstairs earlier made her thought that this get-together wasn't such a good idea if they can't get along and start fighting for unimportant things. True, she didn't know the whole truth but something tells her that it wasn't a fight for a job or something else.


She cleaned the glass from which she drank the water and put it back from where she took it and went outside. She sighed heavily and stretched out her arms. There was pretty much nothing to do here only to walk around and wait for Mika's call.

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Amy sighed and walked back towards Jims's place, she felt quite dizzy.... teleportation was rather strange, felt like she was being flung through the air at a hundred miles an hour... She walked quite slowly, thinking about recent events... Was it a good idea to be in love with a trickster? Amy knew that Sarah was a demon, one of the things hunters were meant to hunt but... she couldn't think like that. Instead she turned her thoughts to Madeline... Amy had been out of order, but maybe she was just a *censored* underneath? Still she needed to apologize, or things would deteriorate between all of the hunters, and a group can't function if everyone hates eachother.


She walked up the path to Jim's, and saw July pacing around outside, she walked over and said "You okay?... wait did you change your car? nevermind.. seen Madeline anywhere?"

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July walked outside, hoping that some fresh air will help with the headache. As she continued walking she noticed Amy. "Yeah, I'm fine." She replied and glanced at the woman. It didn't seem like a big secret why she's driving a different car but July wasn't the one for sharing and caring really so she simply ignored that part. "Madeline? I honestly don't know. Either at Whistler's or Jim's I guess."
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