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It's A Supernatural Life


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" Oh, a hunt? Uh...I guess, maybe it will have special effects on certain creatures." She replied, liking the idea but slightly nervous.


She heard David. " Now that you mention it, I am rather hungry.." She said honestly.

Edited by AnotherAverageName
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Sarah rose, walked around the desk, crouched down and looked Amy dead in the eyes. Her fathomless purple eyes stared into Amy's troubled brown ones. "Amy" She says, power flickering just slightly through her eyes, "I promise you on whatever god you choose to worship that I am here for you. Forever. I will not leave you, I will not hurt you. I will protect you from whatever I can. I do not toss around the word Love like candy. I love you. With every fiber of my being."
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Amy smiled "Well... now that i know that i trust you... so let's go be like a real couple... we shouldn't have these true love talks yet but... well you are a trickster and i am me... so Now that i know that this can work... well let's take it slow, and stop our mushy love talks." She leaned over and kissed Sarah.
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Sarah responded by putting her hand behind Amy's head and holding her to prolong the kiss. Then pulled away abruptly snapping her fingers. A fish appeared. She grimaced and waved it away. "Sorry, not always easy to keep power in check. I think I got the last of this!" She spun the book and stared at the page. "GOT IT!! 'Many bind legion's leader, but with breaking of 66, he will be set free. Darkness will descend, and heaven's warriors will fail. Mortals may be the only hope to save the lives of God's precious. Treachery among the divine, the death and revival of the first, battle for creation.' Amy.." Sarah flings her arms around the girl and holds her tight. "This is bad. This is bad, really really bad. If I interpreted that right," She kissed Amy's neck, and held her tight.
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"This means the end. The end of everything, I- I'm powerless against.." Sarah loosened her grip, and looked Amy in the eyes, making sure she could see the fear in them. "The D*vil is rising. He will find a way to break his bonds, and rise. Do you not see? He will break his seals, and rise. Against him, I am nothing," Tears run down Sarah's face. "I- I don't want to lose you, but don;t know how well I can protect you against that sort of power,"
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"We had better let the others know what is going on. They will want to hear this." Sarah says, and just for comfort sake, gives Amy a kiss, holding her close, breathing the scent of her hair mixed with the slight sheen of sweat on the back of her neck, and placing Amy's hand over her heart. "No matter what happens, I love you." She emphasizes that with another kiss."


Whistler walks back to the farmhouse slowly, If Sarah and Amy were indeed a couple, then all power to em. They would be a good match. He slowly ambled his way up the driveway, making sure to rattle the door in the old hunter signal of "If you want privacy, move to a more private location" from when he hunted with a couple many years ago, and came into the house.

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