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There's been more and more advanced companion and mount mods lately and I just came up with an idea. I'm sure it's every rogue's and hunter's dream!






  • Loyal birds would follow you when you're adventuring around Skyrim and when you stop or start walking they'd land on your shoulder
  • Equipping an item (an egg?) would summon it and once you unequip it, the bird would fly freely around Skyrim until you summon it back.
  • Give it to a follower and the hawk will stand on his/her shoulder.
  • When a hostile NPC attacks you it would start pecking it's eyes out!
  • A spell/hotkey would send the hawk scouting the area for possible hostile NPCs near the area.
  • At the moment Skyrim already has hawks in the game, possibly variants could be added like hawks and owls.
  • The scout spell could also be use with dog companions.
  • Later on when more wildlife is added (rats, squirrels other little critters) would be used for hunting. Rabbits are they're prey already of course!



Falconry Training and Techniques

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  • 1 year later...

Great idea sounds complicated, I would love the ability to uses such a bird to scout ahead, command it to fly over an enemy camp and you see through its eyes and control it whilst you remain hidden and it isn't perceived as hostile by the NPCs. I hate it when sneaking around and then being seen by some guy you couldn't see from where you started.

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  • 1 year later...

I was just searching for a mod that almost does the same thing. lo an behold.....nothing. great Idea though. plus If I could make a suggestion......nevermind, Klofange already suggested it hahaha. anywho hope there is someone out there that can and will do this mod. cause I wanna falcon on my female players shoulder. right now she travels with a bear. I mean whats hotter than a tanned chick, skimpy armor wandering around with a huge bear. Again great idea on the mod thought.

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If you have a look at skyBirds, they have flying animations built into the mod, maybe you could get that into your hawks or falcons? An easy way of doing it would be while the hawk flys (with vanilla flying animation) a script activates a detect life spell, giving you a view of enemies or animals around you

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