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New race abilities not being added


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So I'm adding a new race ability to all playable races and to do this I add the spell to the 'specials' section of the playable race.


So after I had added it to all races I loaded up a game and the imperial in front of me hadn't changed as he should have done. So I used the console to change his race to each playable race until I saw one that it worked on. The only race it had an effect on was the Khajiit.


As I said, I've added the exact same spell to each of the races but for some reason it only effected the Khajiit. Is this a bug? Or am I doing it wrong?



Edited by Fishtoast
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You may notice when you go back into the editor that the new ability has disappeared. This is because if you simply add the ability and click ok it will forget it. Try clicking a few times on the male/female radio buttons and then clicking ok.
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