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Museum of Technology quest: BoS recruitment


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OK, I had an idea for this today and I'm jotting it down here for all to see. The BoS (Brotherhood of Steel for the uninformed) have sent you on a quest to the Museum of Technology to locate and recover a weapon that were on display in the museum's foyer: the X277 "Viper" Magnetic Rail Cannon. This weapon can do far more damage than the Tesla Cannon that you helped get built. It can level an entire building with one shot. They tell you that a Raider named Jericho has knowledge of this happening.

Now, you don't necessarily need to have taken Jericho as a follower; you can just go back to Megaton (if you haven't blown it up, that is) and ask him about it. He can resist telling you anything (Speech fail) or he can cooperate (the whole Jericho idea is a suggestion, but it may work.)

Jericho tells you that he and his crew looted the museum some years ago for a third party that promised them a TON of caps. Turns out that this third party is the Brotherhood Outcasts/Talon Company/Regulators/Enclave (take your pick). The deal went sour when the third party reneged on the deal and killed all of his crew and thinking he died, too. Obviously, he survived to tell the tale and it's the reason he decided to settle down in Megaton. Now, this is his shot at redemption and payback for his fallen comrades. He volunteers to go with you, regardless of your karma rating. He wants blood and you sympathize with him and tell him he's welcome to join you, so long as he doesn't mind your current companions (Fawkes, Charon, Star Paladin Cross, Crimson/Clover, RL-3, Dogmeat or Butch). Once he has his gear, you're ready to go take on the enemy.

Jericho tells you that the hideout is in an old diner near Tenpenny Tower and marks it on your PipBoy map. You travel there to find this very important piece of tech and encounter a bunch of resistance, including a few Super Mutants. A few of Jericho's old crew who also want revenge join you, so they follow you to the diner. I'll leave the rest up to the modder.

Upon returning to The Citadel, Jericho hands the weapon over to Elder Lyons and is thanked for his assistance. You then speak to Lyons about Jericho and suggest that he be made a Knight in the BoS, just as you were for your service at the battle with the Enclave at the purifier. He says he'll consider it/nixes it/agrees to it. Jericho comes to you and says he's been offered this prestigious honor and is debating whether or not to accept it. Of course, you talk him into it and he accepts. Lyons then tells you that since you've vouched for him, he makes Jericho a Paladin instead, as they need more upper-level personnel to replace the Outcast members that left a year prior.

The reason for this quest leads to another one written by a banned user concerning another mod, but I don't want to be accused of thread necromancy.

Which brings me to another quest: Elder Lyons asks you if there are any others that may want to join the BoS. You say you know of a few that might fit the bill, so you travel to various towns you've visited and ask around. This is open for the designer of the mod to be creative and any of your followers (except Dogmeat) can be recruited. Quasi-followers such as Ben Canning would be a possible candidate, if you've found him already. The guy in The Box at Paradise Falls would be another good choice.

New perks should be created (something that's a little strange, but is useful) and weapons don't degrade once you go above 100% on your Repair skill.

Edited by QuinnMallory45
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