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Everything posted by QuinnMallory45

  1. This is an interesting idea. I would expand it on The Citadel part to gain entry to the "secret armory" that you can loot if you blow up this location to end "Broken Steel". Another one to have would allow you to access the armory at Fort Independence. You can never have too much ammo or too many weapons.
  2. Getting fed up with certain moderators on this site. They think they're God and use little or no common sense when doing their so-called job when they're logged on. Time for management to clean house or sell this site to someone who wants to keep people happy.
  3. Getting fed up with certain moderators on this site. They think they're God and use little or no common sense when doing their so-called job when they're logged on. Time for management to clean house or sell this site to someone who wants to keep people happy.
  4. Is it me or does the owner of this site act like he's above everyone? He never responds to personal messages, even when it's important.
  5. Fallout 1 is available in a compilation with FO2 and FO Tactics. This compilation does not crash at all. I changed your verbiage to "kill them off" because it sounds really bad to a person with a dirty mind, but it's your call to kill the slavers. If they aren't hurting you, leave them be. BoS and the Outcasts? There's no way to resolve their conflict so work with them separately. I had suggested a mod to reunite them but no one was interested.
  6. This is mostly true. It's recommended that you don't go into, say, The Pitt, before finishing a quest like Reilly's Rangers, as that one can cause a problem if you don't get to them in time on the rooftop (they become hostile toward you). Finishing it by going to Ranger Compound can wait as long as you want, though. This is just one of maybe three examples (and the only one I've had happen to me thus far).
  7. It does that to me, too. Look for something called Archive Invalidator. I think it's a mod that works like a patch for the game. That's the best answer I can give.
  8. WOW! I'm seriously impressed!! With mods like these, I'd definitely want to play Skyrim!! Keep 'em coming and I just might start!!!
  9. There are some great facts in this thread that never occurred to me before. For example, the FEV: I had no clue this little bugger would cause the vegetation to not regenerate after 200+ years in most areas, but yet it's used to create Super Mutants in a vault on purpose. Didn't the overseer of that vault (or even Vault-Tec) think about what might happen down the road? Not likely, as we see the end result in Fallout 3. Come to think of it, has anyone ever suggested or created a "secret" Vault-Tec lab somewhere in the CW (Capital Wasteland) that has all the secret plans for the various vaults? This idea would be a great addition to Fallout 3.
  10. This looks really good. I'm very impressed with what you've done here. I think this looks better than Ashur's original armor because it has a unique touch to it. Is this available yet? If not, how soon will it be until you release it?
  11. This was suggested in the chat, so I'll post it here: can someone create a minigun crossbow? Sounds like it would be pretty cool for any of the TES games, too.
  12. OK. My problem has nothing to do with modding in any way. On two separate occasions, New Vegas has CTD on me, but with a twist: the tower does a complete reset and I lose everything up to that point. I wind up restarting from a saved game, but it's just the point that this is happening. It happens on my PS3 also, but that's to be expected, right? Any suggestions?
  13. Seriously considering whether or not I want to keep on living. Life sucks and I'm tired of always being shot down, told to shut up, and getting yelled at and scolded for every little thing I do. People need to learn to either be supportive or just shut the hell up.
  14. hey guys, i have a request: i would like someone to create a montage picture of bethesda game characters for me. i plan to use this pic on my new facebook page. is this doable?
  15. There's a perk called a level cap workaround that does pretty much what you want, but you keep leveling up after you hit level 30. Not sure if this what you might be looking for, but it's a start. Also not sure if it's OK to post a link to the perk. Sorry for keeping this post going, but I felt it would be helpful to future members.
  16. Can you submit a picture in the image share section for what this would look like? It sounds interesting and like a great idea (not to mention powerful as all getout).
  17. Well, if you think about it, you can use the "Requiem for the Capital Wasteland" mod and combine New Vegas with Fallout 3. Haven't tried it myself yet, but I think it should work.
  18. This game is based on the idea of Mad Max, minus the cars and the need to fuel them. I think adding more elements to this game to make it like the film would be awesome.
  19. This problem has since been solved: if you're close to 100 on all your skills and you're willing to go look for skill books, then when you get to level 30, take the "Almost Perfect" perk. If you're lucky, you'll have no more than 3 skills that need to be topped off at 100 (this helps folks who have the console version of the game). It's kind of a moot point on pc with the advent of a mod that lets you go up to level 50 as you can go above 100.
  20. Don't know if this has ever been requested in the past, but how about a horse you can ride throughout the Capital Wasteland? Here's the twist: it can't die, just get knocked out for a short time. Anyone want to give this one a try?
  21. tnu, you just gave me a brilliant idea!! I'm going to post as a new mod request.
  22. Somah's the only character that has a repair skill of 100 (at least until you get that far at some point in the game) from the start. Haley becomes that proficient through progression much like you do. I'd forgotten to mention this in my earlier post.
  23. Torrents ARE the reason for your problems because they offer CRACKED versions of games, not LEGIT one. Hope you're ready to walk the plank, pirate.
  24. This is 100% true. I've never had to spend that much time in Point Lookout, but his repair skill does max out. By the time I finish that adventure, his repair skill is usually around 50%.
  25. Now this is a mod I can handle: a follower that can go to the various dlc locales in the game. Now if I can only find one that let's me take Dogmeat with me...... anyone know if that exists?
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