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How do mods for major plot points affect save importing for 2 and Inq?


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Just got around to finishing DAO finally and once i complete the bonus campaigns i will move onto 2 and Inq. To this end i discovered that they use save importing similar to the witcher, which raises some concerns regarding my substantial mod list. I know armor / texture mods and the liek will have absolutely no effect but what about class mods, multiple romance mods, etc? What are peoples experiences with importing modded saves to the future games and even bonus campaigns?

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A couple points:


1. In general, mods have ZERO impact on a DAO-to-DA2 save import. The setting and characters are all different. Well, except for two minor NPCs, (and a third, if you played DAA) who your character in DA2 won't have known from DAO anyway. So relationships are irrelevant.


There are a (very) few in-game dialogue call-backs to DAO events (who destroyed the Big Bad, who rules in Ferelden, etc.) but those have no real impact on the events in DA2.


CAVEAT: The save import process from DAO to DAA is known to be bugged. When you start DAA, import a save from after the Final Battle, but BEFORE the Epilogue. Else, many plot-flags get set to their "default end state". The one they have if you don't import a previous save into DAA.



2. DAI doesn't use a direct "save-file import" system at all. It uses The Dragon Age Keep, which is an on-line application. While (depending on an enormous number of variables) some of your DAO and DA2 characters, choices, and events should be automatically captured in the Keep, many times they aren't. No matter.


You can edit the "Tapestry", as it is called, to produce the exact "World State" you had in your games. And you can create multiple World States. Make choices you never did in-game, see what different options were possible, etc. You then tag the World State you want to export to DAI.


So the bottom line is, go ahead and mod all you want! :thumbsup:

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