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Bashed Patch Update for FCOM


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Alright, so I installed the FCOM superpack compiled by Danwood which puts various gameplay overhauls into a bashed patch. As for visuals, the superpack doesn't do much to remedy the potato-face Oblivion is notorious for so I went to add Nuska's Oblivion Character Overhaul V2 to my mod list. For the most part it works as intended, but my argonians look like their snouts have been put in a vice.




After searching the mod page for a possible reason behind this, I found that COBL, which is part of the FCOM Superpack patch, conflicts with it no matter the load order, so here I am trying to resolve this conflict by updating the bashed patch with OCO in mind. Problem is, I'm not very experience on how to do so with Wrye Bash (Just installing it was a bit of a hassle.) Looking up guides on youtube and google only give me instructions for creating a bashed patch with only a few mods (And for Skyrim, so things were familiar but not quite there)


Can anyone here who's more experienced with Wrye Bash help me out on how to add OCO to Danwood's existing Bashed Patch?

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One of the biggest problems with "superpaks" is compatibility. In this case it will compatible with exactly one load order ... the one used to create that bashed patch.


I'd suggest backing up that existing bashed patch somewhere, and then rebuilding it (use the CBash method ... it is capable of more than the old method). You will need to experiment a bit with where to put OCO v2 in your load order ... I'd start by using BOSS to sort the load order and then rebuild. If problems still exist then try manually moving OCO v2 lower in the load order (or higher if that doesn't help), always keeping it above the bashed patch. Once you find a spot that works use BOSS's desktop GUI to create a User Rule that places OCO v2 where you found it works best.


There is no free lunch in modding. Superpaks = trying to eat for free.


- Edit - BTW, everything I know about Wrye Bash I learned from studying the two readmes ... Wrye Bash General Readme.html and Wrye Bash Advanced Readme.html, both found in the Oblivion\Mopy\Docs folder.

Edited by Striker879
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