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Railroad/ BOS endings - what's the resulting world like?


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BoS had to die in my game after Maxson said "In order to prevent a war, we have to start our own". Railroad, well.., since my mission to rid BoS unfortunately included the annihilation of the Railroad, they had to go too. Besides, the idea of my game being purely Minutemen sounds nice.

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BoS had to die in my game after Maxson said "In order to prevent a war, we have to start our own". Railroad, well.., since my mission to rid BoS unfortunately included the annihilation of the Railroad, they had to go too. Besides, the idea of my game being purely Minutemen sounds nice.

MM is the best ending.Keep BoS and RR alive and friendly to the player.

Edited by Stronglav
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genolune, I have completed the game by siding with the MM, I go to Covenant (the first time) and they welcome me as if I was the savior but it disable the quest where you have to save the synth girl of Stockton, when I'm going to the Center (or the Secret Complex), they let me go in but there is no dialogue available with the Doctor in the end and the synth girl is in the jail = Bad writing.


For my part, I destroy the RR with the Institut then betray them when I kill Father at the top of the CIT, destroy the Institute with the MM and finally destroy the Prydwen with the MM.

The two fights in the Castle were extraordinary ! :laugh:

I, now, want to destroy the MM but it will be too "partially" accomplished 'cause there is too mutch Checkpoint who are controled by the MM at the end.

There is no "bad ending"... like we have in FNV where I can destroy the NCR or the Legion in the quest "Apocalypse"...

Edited by Alerios
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Should there really be a big difference once the Institute is destroyed?

This isn't like NV where there was an actual war going on that could really change things. This is a relatively calm area, where a bunch of people are farming outside of large settlements, and their main worries are raiders and the boogeyman (Institute). The conflict facing the Commonwealth is more of a minds-and-hearts battle than a physical one, so once it is "won" by one of the factions other than the Institute or Raiders, life just goes on.

The Minutemen are a fairly hands-off faction. They aren't about telling people how to live, they're about protecting people and taking out the bad guys. So, if they win, no big change for most of the Commonwealth, other than being a little bit safer.

The BoS didn't fly in until mid-game. If they accomplish their mission, there's really no reason for them to continue to hang out in Boston. I can see them leaving behind a presence (about the size of Danse's original group or a bit larger), but other than that, with the "synth problem" dealt with, I would expect them to fly on back out to wherever they perceive their next big mission to be. So again, if they win, no big change for most of the Commonwealth, other than the elimination of the boogeyman.

The Railroad I would think would be one of the biggest changes, because their victory is a sociological one, not a military one. They are fighting for the preservation and acceptance of synths. As with the BoS, the Institute is gone, so that's a plus to most of the Commonwealth, but now the same guys who did that should be pushing for everyone else to accept the remaining "peaceful" synths. Good luck with that. Decades of strife, prejudice, racial violence, discriminatory laws, etc. are in the future, assuming the Commonwealth as a whole doesn't turn on the Railroad. For me, this would actually be interesting to play through, but of course nothing of the sort was implemented.

Regardless, for Farmer X out in the rural Commonwealth, nothing really has changed.

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  • 1 month later...

In the actual visible post-game, nothing of value happens. Some characters get some dialogue changes and you see more patrols from the victorious factions than from the ones you allegedly "annihilated" (but... for some reason you still run into plenty of them) and most factions have a handful of extra little quests to send you on. It's not that different from Skyrim in that sense. Kind of vexing but I guess I can understand why Bethesda doesn't to tangle with big environmental/npc changes.


At least in this case, from a lore perspective, it probably is safe to say that not much would change. Both the Railroad and the Brotherhood are pretty much only there because of the Institute, and don't really seem interested in getting involved in the everyday lives of the people of the commonwealth. For the Brotherhood, it can be expected that they're just gonna tie up some loose ends, stock up on salvaged tech, and then fly away to pick a fight with somebody else. The Railroad will probably eventually run out of synths who need help, and then what? Either they'll have to find some new species of damsels to rescue, or they'll turn off the lights and call it a day. I don't see either of those factions going out of their way to have any major impact on the commonwealth outside of destroying the Institute, which, also to be fair, there's a reason the Institute is described as a 'bogeyman'. Their presence was barely felt to begin with and their absence will also not be felt.

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  • 3 weeks later...

If there's ever a Fallout 5, I would love for it to be able to depend on your FO4 ending - like Mass Effect, but with a stronger impact on FO5 based on your FO4 choices.


This would be a huge storyline and game-building task for Bethesda, but it would be so much fun. You defeated the Institute? No Institute in FO5. You sided with the Institute? Maybe FO5 is when they start coming above ground.

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