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skyrim "turn off sex"


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like i said, just a mod that removes sex from skyrim. just a general idea; no real guidelines or anything. i just thought it would be nice to just turn that stuff of if u dont want it. includes sex, nudity, sex slaves, ect.
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Vanilla Skyrim (unmodded) does not have sex, nudity or any of those things. It has marriage....so I am not sure if you are trying to troll or have never played basic Skyrim. Care to elaborate why you seem to think these things are so.
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There is one vague reference to sex slaves I think, but I've played for like 100 hours so far and I haven't heard it. Plus, there are no actual sex slaves, and no sex.

You get slaves, but that's only if you play the Dark Brotherhood questline, and no amount of modding is going to be able to make that nicey-nice.


If you want a mod to make Skyrim safe for all ages, and you keep the DB, the Daedra (Molag Bal just sounds like he has a dom fetish, lol), the Forsworn (skimpy in a tribal way, plus justifiably bloodthirsty), the blood, the decapitations, the slow-motion gruesome killmoves, the voluptuous statues, the scorched corpses, etc, you've already failed.


Wth do people think that nipples are more damaging to children than extreme violence? Even if you get rid of the blood entirely, you'd still rather have your kid playing violent games?

I mean, I was raised on violent games, and I'm none the worse for it. I don't think it damages kids unless it really goes overboard.

Having said that, WTH do you think that NIPPLES are the thing to worry about?!


I'm getting tired of this. I just watched The Rock on Spike the other day, and the whole movie featured explicit violence and skin melting off, but they decided to *bleep* the word s**t?

I censored it just now because of forum policy, btw.

Do they have a panel of monkies deciding what gets censored? (not this forum, lol, TV)


For the record, I'm all for individual choice, and I'm against all censoring of any kind.

I just think it's hilarious what they choose to censore.

Edited by Rennn
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Rennn i agree with you. It's interesting that murdering whole village is ok to people but when somebody mentions sex they are like "oh hell no they didn't".

In my opinion if people would get laid more often the amount of violence would decrease a lot.

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Why do people always have to critize others simply for having other standards?


Don't get me wrong - I have no idea what sexual content could be offending in Skyrim, but that doesn't change the fact that some people might feel differently about that and that nobody has the right to judge somebody for that!

Edited by gurgelstock
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