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Well i can answer for myself at least.

First reason I don't is that making tutorials are time consuming and well...they are not fun to make in my opinion, it may be for others.


Second...I like to have some of the things i do kept as a thing i did, if i share it and everyone else uses it..well, not very unique anymore now is it? Im aware that anyone can download the mod and copy the work, got nothing against that, just don't want to make it easy for everyone else and to be honest im okay with other modders not sharing everything with me either, keeps some of the work unique, if we made tutorial for many of the things we do, we would have copy-cats all over the board. However, if people send me a PM asking me how i did it, i will not turn them down. Also i will add that i have not made things that is incredibly unique, the only thing i have that i have seen no one else have is my redecorating stone that let's you change banners around the house and toggle on/off fireplace in my fjollheimr mod, i put a lot of work into those, im just an avrage modder, but i do not want to see that solution used in many other houses. Im not gonna say that im so unique because i made them, im just saying that somethings you want to keep for yourself as much as possible. The Redecorating stone is for example something i will have in every house mod i release in the future (if it will only change banners is unknown, maybe i will add more things) and because of that i for one do not want to make tutorials on how i did that incase a lot of others will use it as well, call me selfish, but this is how i see it from my perspective.


However i will add that i have tried to make something called a "Modders Cell" where a group of modders will add scripts, 3d models, different configs for bookshelves, weapon plaques, mannequins that will be shared through the nexus and will be available for every modder out there, this would not have tutorials, but it would bring something to the modding community. However it was never meant to have unique setups that the modders don't want to share, but simply a modders cell based on bethesdas Warehouse cells, just to make it easier to copy/paste things you want to use into your own cells. This idea was not popular.


Im currently working on a tutorial for how to make your home "spouse-friendly" in other words how to add your house the the dialogue and how to make it work.


Im aware that a modding community is about sharing, but i also find value in modders who keep their mods unique, infact i think that makes a mod good in general, more variation is a good thing, i have no problems sharing how i did things, but i also want people to make their work original and not a direct rip-off, this is something no one can control, but this is also why i might keep some of the things for myself.


Best way in any case to get ideas or gain inspiration is to download other peoples mods and see how they made theirs, then maybe make something original inspired by another authors solution with given credit.


I in general think that most modders are aware that there is a lot of people out there that does'nt see how unethical it is to copy-cat someone elses work and that might be the major obstacle from making a mod to writing a tutorial on how you did it.


I will also like to add that there is a lot of custom made tutorials out there though, if you have seen the video tutorial section on the bethesda wiki, you will see that many modders have made good tutorials ranging from beginner to intermediate.:)

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I personally feel the opposite way. I try to share all information I learn or come across with everyone. I think the more information available to the community, the better quality mods the community will produce which is a win for everyone. Im not worried about copy-cats at all. I think if someone can rip off my mod and do it better then they have done me and the community a service. If a copy cat fails to bring anything new to the table then at least Im flattered my work got picked to rip off.

These file permissions I wrote pretty much sum up how I feel about sharing information.

I have included the work file meaning derivative works are absolutely ALLOWED. The only condition is you must maintain these file permissions.

"Anyone will be allowed to create their own derivative works from this file and all derivative works based on this file. Their should also

never be any need to ask for permission or credit the author of this file or any derivative work based on this file. You must clearly state

these permissions where ever any derivative work is hosted."


edit: OP, I would give whatever tips I may have but your being very vague. What kind of mods are you interested in making?

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I became a beginner-medium modder (before i wasn't even able to load a plugin with the CK) in 2 weeks just by reading CKwiki tutorials and looking at the skyrim.esm.


All the intermediate stuff is easy to do and learn. If you don't plan to make a mod do weird things, you just need to read the CKwiki tutorials.


I'm writing a storyline with lots of crossing quests and events, and for now i managed to do everything with a little amount of easy scripts/features.

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I would give whatever tips I may have but your being very vague. What kind of mods are you interested in making?

Well for starters, where do i Download the Program and what do i need, how do i open the Skyrim Files, then tell me how to Create the Simplest Mod


Oh and by the way, i like a Detailed Tutorial with Pictures thank you.

Edited by daventry
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For your first baby steps

Standard Tools--

steam://run/202480 <--Creation Kit. Your primary weapon.. most of the time

Nexus Mod Manager <--user friendly mod manager

Wrye Bash <--Bookmark this for later. Same as nexus mod manager but with far greater power. Geared for modders.

7-zip <--for packing and extracting mods

BSA Browser <-- for extracting .bsa files

Texture Tools--

Photoshop or Gimp

.dds Photoshop Plugin or .dds Gimp Plugin

Nvidia .dds texture tools

Modeling Tools--

3d Studio Max <-- You can get a free fully functional version for educational purposes and you do not have to be a student regardless of what some people here say.

Blender <-- instead of 3d Studio Max you can use this. Its free and decent.

Niftools + Nifscope


Start with the standard tools and try to make an interior link to the rest of the world with a door. No I wont force feed you anymore than that. http://www.creationkit.com/ is packed full of information to get started. Check youtube also if your a visual learner.

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Whoaw thats allot of stuff, i thought its just the Creation Kit that i need.


I have Photoshop and Blender already


Theres a Tutorial i just watched in Creating your Own House, all this Person used was the Creation Kit, so why do i need all that other stuff.


Its like you are dumping everything in my face and then tell me "there go learn", wheres the Baby Steps you were talking about, this just makes me run away.




I want to get right into it and theres No Tutorials for that kind of stuff

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First reason I don't is that making tutorials are time consuming and well...they are not fun to make in my opinion, it may be for others.


I hate making a written tutorial and will not make a video tutorial. I have made a few written tutorials with screenshots for another game and they were time consuming and boring to make.


However, if people send me a PM asking me how i did it, i will not turn them down.


I was going to say something about this is why modding in general is so hard and the keep secrets attitude just ruins a mod community when people keep secrets but you hid the little gem about PM's to ask. I have seen a mod community practically ruined because someone figures out how to make something happen that was thought to be impossible and had many applications. I am 100% against keeping secrets that could benefit the community though I dont expect tutorials written for everything.





Most modding is relatively the same from one game to another, the tools and language may vary, the basic steps remain intact, all experienced modders started out with basics like the CK tutorials regardless of the game or who made the tutorial. You start from the bottom and learn to make more, you make simple mods and in time more complex. nobody can write a tutorial for that process.


My own notes/thoughts on the CK, it is a bastardized level designers tool. Its only real purpose is level design and not major game changes. It is near impossible to create a new game using the CK, hell it doesn't allow creating new armor/weapon from scratch unless you use a third party program to make the .nif files. It's whole reason for being is to modify Skyrim files and not add more.

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  • 6 months later...
Most modding is relatively the same from one game to another, the tools and language may vary, the basic steps remain intact, all experienced modders started out with basics like the CK tutorials regardless of the game or who made the tutorial. You start from the bottom and learn to make more, you make simple mods and in time more complex. nobody can write a tutorial for that process.


My own notes/thoughts on the CK, it is a bastardized level designers tool. Its only real purpose is level design and not major game changes. It is near impossible to create a new game using the CK, hell it doesn't allow creating new armor/weapon from scratch unless you use a third party program to make the .nif files. It's whole reason for being is to modify Skyrim files and not add more.

This is why i Cant Mod especially with my Down Syndrome


I have All this Intelligence in my head, but its like a Glass Box taunting me to the Prize and i just cant get to it.


I read the Tutorials and follow the Videos, but for me its just too Difficult.

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