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Tip: How to deal with the respawn bug with enabled plants.


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As many of you know with modding, if you add plants that start off as disabled and is enabled via a script or whatever, pretty much everytime you leave the cell and come back (e.g. go into a interior and go back outside) the plant instantly respawns (also true if you simply hide the plant below the terrain to move it back up via script).

Fortunately it seems the plants produced by the placeatme command don't seem to suffer from this bug (if you just place and at worse change it's angle and scale, dunno about enable/disabling placeatme items or changing their position).

Some example code:

		set PlacedRef to GFMaize1.placeatme MaizePickable
		set RefAng to GFMaize1.getangle z
		set RefScale to GFMaize1.getscale
		PlacedRef.setangle z RefAng
		PlacedRef.setscale RefScale

In that scenerio I had placed disabled verisons of the plant to work out placement, angles, and scaling and just gave the placeatme plant the disabled one's angle and scale information.

Hope this helps.

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