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Who should I use?


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Hey all. Just a quick question here: I just reinstalled Oblivion with all the patches and the oh-so-lovely OOO now using 1.33, and I just want to know what race/class I should use to get the FULL experience in terms of weapons and spells. I want to be able to do everything without any kind of character limitations. I've read Bretons are best but I dunno. Imperials would seem viable but looking at their stats they seem......a little too average. Any ideas here would be awesome.
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You'll get opinions for every race that came with vanilla, plus half the weirdo ones people have made mods for.
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i like a good arogonian.. resistant to poison, 75% resistant to disease, underwater breathing, and a mediocre skill in security, magic and combat.... depending on your major skills, u could bring him up to be one bad boy


EDIT: oh wait, you have a special mod for races, havent you... well, your alone on that one, i prefer the old school races

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Ok Thanks for all your input, fellas. I decided to make a Breton with warrior birthsign and made a custom class that's alot like a spellsword only I used mysticism for major instead of block. I'm using Deadly Reflex mod, among others like OOO, and because I can now do the shield bash thing at will lvling block seems obsolete but I'll still lvl it just not as actively. Anyway thanks again. Wish me luck.
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