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Currrent Projects


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Greetings all. I know there are a lot of ideas running around out there. Lot of projects, too. So...thought I'd stop and ask what folks are up.


Me personally, testing two mods:


-Major magic overhaul of all perks and spells. More subtle effects. More poweful spells + much slower combat magicka regen. The focus is subtle but powerful, instead of explosive but mediocre.


-Witcher style potions. Potions such as Detect Life + Night Eye, damage enhancement and reduction, and spell magnitude increases. Also, Sword Oils that allow you to deal Bleeding, Damage or Chance-based Freezing Damage for a duration of up to 10mins real time.


Since they are more powerful, all potions feature "toxicity." This drains your overall Stamina while the potion is active. The potions are good, but you are limited as to how many you should use at once. As the game progresses, you will be able to handle increased "toxicity" levels based on your stamina increases. Coupled with a combat system like mine that makes stamina relevant for blocking and attacking, this makes managing more powerful potions a rewarding challenge. All potions are made with Ale (Lesser) or Alto Wine (stronger) as a base, and use other ingredients as well, from one other to 4 or 5 others, depending on strength and potion type.


Sword oils are different. They need an oil base - either Dwarven oil, or from animal fat. For this reason, Troll Fat has been renamed to Animal Fat (Blubber) and placed on death lists for larger animals. (It was this, or create numerous types of fat, with a new recipe for each.) Larger animals provide more fat, and animals smaller than sabre cats and deer have no significant quantity. Animal Fat base makes lesser oil; dwarven oil base makes better, longer-lasting oil.


So far its fun. Nice to have truly powerful, yet balanced, potions. And the oils mean no more one-hit poisons. Drove me nuts, after playing Witcher 2.


So...what is everyone up to. Say hello and let us know what's in the works for Skyrim.

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A positive initiative i must say.


Im currently working on rebuilding the abandoned house in Markarth, no im making a copy of the cells, so it will never bug any quests, gotten pretty far, have all upgrade packages set up, just need to add a dialogue that will be available once you have completed the Molag Bar quest, atm im trying just trying to get ideas on how to switch the cell after the quest is done, thinking about just having a marker that controls 2 seperate doors.


Also working on a 3d modeling project..Dovahaar, after the high-res package came out i had to do all the textures over again, so i kinda shelved it until now, almost done however. (been working on textures all day)

- Need to add a viking outfit to the 3d modeling project, the model is done and UV's made, not started on the textures yet, still need to finnish the spangen helmets as well.


Also working on a small buildable village, it will not be something huge and ambitious, it will take time, but it won't require a team to complete. Not started yet, still on the drawing board.


Other than that i plan to add lots of extra buildings around skyrim, nothing big, nothing serious, just something to make certain areas seem more populated without destroying anything. (he he..i probably will)


So no big projects.


Nice ideas on the alchemy, did not play much witcher unfortunatly, but i played enough to see how important potions were and skyrim could really use a little overhaul on the alchemy part, i barely touch potions except for healing/stamina/mana potions. Since you are going far into the alchemy, may i suggest a portable mortar and pestel that you can only use on lit campfires or fireplaces? :) That would certinly add to immersion as well. I could always attempt this myself, but i thought since you're already going "whitcher" style. :)

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This is a good idea,


Well im not working on much right now. It's just a new landmass called "the Island" until I think of a better name. (ideas from you are aprreciated) I think im gonna drop it if there isn't much interest in it.

Other than that i'm just fiddling around with other small thing in the creation kit.




Edited by poptart11
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Good idea indeed :D the official forums have some threads like this, tbh, I'm more interested on what's going on here lol.


Currently on the front burner:


Spy Games - Dark Embassy (see sig) Imperial Spy themed quests. Not CW quests, versus the Thalmor! Quests are done minus some prettied up voice, working on making the locations pretty :D


Back Burner:

Dragons Respite. Town with a lucrative trade the player can save from a racist EEC boss and take ownership of. Town done minus npc's. Quest ready to put in, but not yet.

A Tavern in Whiterun player can rent a permanent bed in on the cheap. Place done, had an epic quest line(help inkeeper and other people, save whiterun from vampire invaders with the help of the guard/townspeople/companions guild >.<) going but got bored while implementing, comming up with something smaller.


Somewhere out in oblivion:

Needy Thieves Foundation: Encounters with pickpockets throughout Skyrim. Several unique types, most of which you can't do anything about. Intended to compliment bank type mods, but the one I was trying to compliment ... stopped updating....

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Night Terrors (WIP) - It's a nightmare of a good time :P It's a fairly dynamic/random in the way it works, though it does have a linear questline. I won't say too much on it because there is a lot more to do before I release teaser stuff. Take my word for it that you'll b fairly surprised at what is capable of being done :thumbsup:


Dwemer Colosseum (WIP) - Prepare yourself to participate in classic combat in a dwemer themed setting with some unique qualities that will display what a true arena should really be like.


I'm recruiting for Night Terrors, need level designers so we can get more unique content going.

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I'm working on a simple stand-alone quest that tells a short story involving the civil war. It will probably only take ~20 minutes for a good player to breeze through, but it's taking me a while to finish. Working on the main dungeon right now. I'm pretty new to modding so it takes me a while. Best to start with small, less ambitious projects I think.
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I'm currently working on a race mod that I hope will branch into other things as well, ranging from a nice-looking digitigrade body mod to some minor armor mods, and (unlikely, due to technical and feasibility constraints) my pipe-dream expansion-sized mod featuring said race (and some others), in multiple worldspaces.


As to more immediate goals, I'm working on rounding out the chargen content for the race (currently, only hair an face marks have no options yet), then adding in vampirism support (using the resource/script thing) and then finalizing textures and such.

Pre-alpha in active development here: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=13561


I also need to get around to releasing my beast-race versions of the alduin armor which are designed to not clip with them, but I need to check with justice123 to figure out what he did end up doing in the time I got distracted working on my race mod instead of fixing the morph glitch so I don't release duplicate content.

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I'm working on a still unnamed quest that is supposed to serve as a better ending to the main quest. Despite killing the dragon who was supposed to bring about the end of the world, all you get when you return is some guard telling you to keep your hands to yourself. No giant castle, no being named king of Skyrim, nothing. Once I can get more of the legwork completed, I might see if anyone wants to join in and lend a hand. Edited by trees415
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