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A mod to allow you to manually move settlement raiding spanws?


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Whenever I play FO4 I always focus on building settlements and I always use Build High because it makes a lot of the settlements not s*** anymore. Problem is the raider spawns are now in the middle of my settlement and that's just frustrating. I want when I build a wall with barricades and defenses in places, where it would be logical if you're trying to protect a big settlement, for those defenses to actually be put to use.


I know there's a mod that moves the spawns but it only accounts for the unmodded settlement borders. It'd be easier if there was a mod similar or as an addon to Settlement Management, that allows you to move the spawns. And if you're using Place Anywhere you could put them where you want them. Even if you're a cheap bastard and just shove them in the ground or a mile into the air.


Seriously, please someone do this.

Edited by rock0zeppelin
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I started to write a dynamic FindClosestReferenceOfTypeFromRef() + WorkshopLinkAttackMarker keyword based tool to move settlement markers, but with no clean object UI to manage pickup/move/drop and stuff like More Attackers - Get Off My Buildzone out its not worth the investment.

Edited by SKK50
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