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Need help with Editing an NPC

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Hi everyone...


Trying to edit a female NPC character in this mod:




I want to turn her into a Partner but I don't know how ... I tried multiple times I change the script to a partner script but nothing change and because she can charge and fix the PC equipment and I want to keep this without change ... I end up make this part disappear ... this is my first time


any help will be appreciated

Edited by GamerSince1992
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See, I know little bit about followers, since I never made anything related to them. But it would be helpful if you showed us you partner script, in order to see if anything is wrong with it. Also, you said you are a beginner: do you know anything about AI packages? It's likely (I don't know for sure) that a follower would need an specific AI package.


Sooo... waiting for your script and your answer.

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Could be a very long wait ... Contra may or may not get around to doing anything more with it.


I use it all the time with my regular character (over 3100 hours and still counting). I started beta testing for Contra at somewhere around 800 or 900 hours on this same character.


The only issue I find is sometimes the followers will stop following after going through a load door. It's just a matter of going back through and either telling them to wait and then follow again or telling them to breakup and then recruit them again. If you read through the mod comments you'll see that it also allows something that can't be done in the vanilla game or with any other follower mods (to the best of my knowledge anyway ... only ever used CM Partners way, way back when I first started out using mods).

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I understand what you are saying completely. I'm the type who studies mods carefully before installing.


When I'm beta testing a mod, I use an older save as a starting point, and if I make any saves during testing I consider those as throwaways (i.e. not part of my character's playthrough).


Once I had enough time testing FFF I promoted it to my character's continuing current saveline. I haven't had a single issue with those saves since I started using it full time (beyond what I explained about going through load doors ... more of an inconvenience than anything).

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