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DRAGUNOV SVD: Can Someone Please Create or Port To FO4


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Hello modding community!


I'm here to ask if someone could make a Russian Dragunov SVD sniper rifle or port one to Fallout 4. A high quality weapon you could mod with attachments would be my dream gun for FO4.


Thank you for considering my request and I do appreciate your time.





Some image examples:









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Hi there, I'm no expert on weapons but what your looking for looks a lot like the Handmade Rifle from the Nuka World dlc fully done up on the weapons work bench as a sniper rifle.

If you have that dlc you should check it out in game or just look at this pic of it https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=fallout+4+Handmade+Rifle&dcr=0&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjztNvug9nYAhUHBsAKHRLIDrQQ_AUICygC&biw=1536&bih=748#imgrc=kc5vDWLIy5xWlM: and decide for your self.


Hope this helped.

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Thanks for the reply Jay. Yeah it is similar in that both are based on a Russian AK/SV type origin but the Handmade Rifle is definitely not an Dragunov SVD. Definitely the closest thing naturally occurring in the game though.

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Isn't he talking about a new generation mod with proper animations?


The former one lacks that much quality.


Yes I meant a higher quality more accurate one. His has the wrong dimensions and a handful of bugs/errors. I emailed the guy who made a really nice one for FO:NV but I haven't gotten a reply yet.

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