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[WIP] Dark Brotherhood Chronicles: Chaos Ambition


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If you're still playing Oblivion every once in a while, you'll find the first mod of the series, Awakening, here. We're still doing some work on Awakening and will be releasing a final update in about a month or so.


Consequences is mod two of the series and will also take place in Oblivion. It will be developed in parallel with Chaos Ambition, as mentioned in the OP.

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Looks pretty nice. Was a bit disappointed with Skyrim's DB questline. I might be able to help with the play-testing. However since I don't have Skyrim for PC, it'll have to wait a bit.


Also, I have never played Awakening before, but I'll get to it one day.

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If we get to kill the nightmother in this I am sold. hate her, and hate the DB for her existence and lack of being able to say no to her stupidity.
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