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Real Dragon Shouts?


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  • 6 months later...

I too find it weird that dragons don't shout. Alduin shouts, other greybeards shout, the 3 heroes of old shout. Why do dragon enemies not shout?

"There is no distinction between debate and combat to a dragon. Tinvaak los grah. For us it is one and the same." -- Paarthurnax.

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I know man, it's really frustrating. Oldrim had a mod for this, called "Dragon Real Shouts", it was abandoned before Dragonborn came out however, so it was never "finished". how there is just nothing for SE. There are so many unbelievable mods for Skyrim that just won't ever be ported over to SE for whatever reason, and it's truly a shame, given how SE is a vastly superior platform to use, and will only get better once SKSE64 is more fleshed out.

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