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Valenwood (compatibility patch) ?


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Hey guys and girls, so;

Is there any chance someone could make a compatibiliy patch between:
TWMP Valenwood improved and TWMP Valenwood - Elsweyr (Onra heightmap) ?

There isn't much to do, Haldar did most of the job before he gave up but unfortunately not enough so that we can play it together with other TWMP heightmaps.

If we want to play with TWMP mods (Elsweyr pelletine as well), we don't have any solution for Valenwood and that province has to be emtpy.
And that's such a shame because Eldarie made very good mod with alot of content which can fill that area beatifully.

Anyway, i think i'm not the only one wanting this, in fact i'm sure all those players who play with TWMP maps would love to see Valenwood filled with locations/npc/towns to discover, this situation now with filled Elsweyr and Elsweyr Pelletine while Valenwood being completely empty is pain for the eyes :/

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yeah... old Nexus dwellers especially that still love Oblivion (including me)


already know that Oblivion have potential to be the most to have the biggest area than any other games (unfortunately all that TWMP is still barren even tho it have so much potential)


it is sad that many modders that have this skillset already gone, Elsweys is one of the biggest regional scope project in Oblivion besides Morroblivion & Nehrim

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They are not generally ''baren'' (TWMP Hammerfell and TWMP Skyrim have decent content added to it) but if you compare what we have with years this society had to build upon TWMP heightmaps, then yes, it' barren.

Actually, when ''Black Marshes'' developers decide to release first beta, we will only have 3 provinces empty
(for all i know, it's possible someone is working on them in the moment when i'm writing this):
High Rock, Summerset Isles and Valenwood.

Altough first two currently don't have any released mod that add any content to it (beside just making them use TWMP heightmap),
Valenwood has it!
And it's really nice mod with a lot of content it's just need someone who is willing to take care of little landscape issues down to the south of the province..

It's such a pain to the eyes (and brain) knowing you have awsome mod/content to fill Valewood province yet you can't due to it being incompatible with other provinces :/

Edited by popay55
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