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Best way to attach a book to the hip?


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Atm i'm trying to position a book close to the player's hip...it's just for decoration, a little extra to my hammer. So atm i just added it as a "replacer" for the scabbard, so it is attached to the scabbard's position when i move...any better ideas?


In 3rd person it looks ok from behind , front view looks terrible with wide clothes because of the beloved clipping errors, especially in this case because the character spreads his legs in the 2h idle stance...seems i have to live with it.


Adding it as a standalone item in a new unique armor slot with different bones wouldn't make it better i guess...i know a lot 'bout weapons, i can add armor but i'm not as experienced when it comes to something like that - how would you do it?





Edited by ghosu
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Hmm, well ok...i decided to add it to the hammer as an optional feature as a sheath replacer, i will make a standalone armor slot version with a morphing leather strap when i add some serious Warhammer content.
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I haven't tried this yet, but you might be able to do it through a script using this function and maybe this function.

So if the book placement was handled using these functions in a script, you could then include a check for what gear the player is wearing and apply different spacial offsets for any problem armors/clothes that have clipping issues.

Edited by steve40
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