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Saw this while rooting around in Oblivion mods for interesting stuff and I saw this.




Alas I don't know how to do clothing/body meshes because every tutorial I find sucks.


Could someone perchance put this, or something like it in game? And could they tell me how they did it, because I extracted the model just to see if I could do it... nope, crashes creation kit after reworking it for Skyrim supposedly.


And if you know of a good tutorial, could you point me in the direction, I have some really good clothes but I can't even figure out how to put a bloody hat in the game.

Edited by Forevermuffins
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Well i only know a 3DsMax Tutorial for helmet...there he sets up the dismemberment value by copying the body part value from the original NIF, so the correct area is hidden.



I know for a fact, trying with that exact video using another program, that that tutorial is garbage without 3dsmax. Trying to replicate it in another program, there is no way.


Also, I do that, and guess what, nothing they need to be virtually perfect matches, otherwise boom, nadda.

Edited by Forevermuffins
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