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Stunted Fatigue...


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My fatigue does not go up after 122/230...


I uninstalled Realisitic Fatigue is that what is causing it?

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No disease, no sicknesses, no vampirism no nothing, perfectly healthy, preyed at the alter, nothing is moving it up.


I've drank potions ate foods, used spells nothing is working...


any idea?

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Didn't work, it's even worse now lol...


is there a consol command I can use? I tried player.setav but that just added more max fatigue...

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Didn't work, it's even worse now lol...


is there a consol command I can use? I tried player.setav but that just added more max fatigue...

Only thing I can think of is by creating your own mod to affect the player. Just a simple script, attached to a startgame enabled quest should work.


short fat
short fat2

begin gamemode
set fat to player.getav fatigue
set fat2 to player.getbaseav fatigue
if fat < fat2
player.modav fatigue 1


Hopefully that will work as I hope. The other option is to attach a scripted spell which makes use of player.modav fatigue within a scripteffectupdate block, and then use the duration of that spell, and repeated recasts to close the gap.

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Could I have a little help?


I've made the esp file with the script enabled and checked...


scriptname FatigueFix
short fat
short fat2

begin gamemode
set fat to player.getav fatigue
set fat2 to player.getbaseav fatigue
if fat < fat2
player.modav fatigue 1


it won't work the fatigue is still stuck... any help?

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