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the bash patch,0.esp?


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hi guys, thanks for the time,..


ive been away from skyrim for about a month now, and ive been reading up on mainly the new load order system,..


ive figured out a bit and i have my game working fine, but my question is about the Bash Patch, 0.esp you get when u use Wrye Bash.


right now, i have it active. but im not sure what to do with it? any advise would be awesome..


ive been using wrye bash for a long time and ive gotten used to it,.. cant wait for the next version..

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Well, you should have an actvited Bashed Patch only if you are using the Rebuild Patch option when rightclicking it, as otherwise there is no reason to have it at all. Generally, Bashed Patch should be rebuild everytime your mod load order changes (adding/removing/sorting).
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correct,.. i rebuild it every time... except,


i just got the winter is coming cloaks mod after the 1.5 update, so all my mods are in my bashed patch except the new winter is coming mod,..


i would go ahead and rebuild the patch, but when i start up wrye bash, i get this corruped "update.esm" thing?? but i dont think its busted?


but yeah, im still doing thing the same way ive been except until the new wrye bash comes out, im not gona be modding my game,..


oh well it happens

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