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I feel like skyrim mods are so dull


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Im not saying mods for skyrim are bad, Im saying that for oblivion i could find any mod i want and they were always awesome. But for skyrim they arn't as fun to me. Like things just seem really dull. We got the creation kit yet theres mostly just new textures. Theres not much variety like oblivion's mods. Anyone else feel the same?
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No, not at all. Oblivion had six years of mods that people had made for it. There were indeed some beautiful pieces of work, but they didn't come overnight. It started out just like Skyrim with a few nude mods, retextures and lots of saved characters. Later some very nice homes started appearing. Then dungeons, races, armour and weapons, quests, whole worlds. Eventually the mods became greater than the game itself. Just have patience and give it another year. You must remember that many of the great Oblivion modders have moved on and it will take time also for the new generation of modders to take their place.




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  On 3/29/2012 at 3:37 AM, Rabbit 51 said:

No, not at all. Oblivion had six years of mods that people had made for it. There were indeed some beautiful pieces of work, but they didn't come overnight. It started out just like Skyrim with a few nude mods, retextures and lots of saved characters. Later some very nice homes started appearing. Then dungeons, races, armour and weapons, quests, whole worlds. Eventually the mods became greater than the game itself. Just have patience and give it another year. You must remember that many of the great Oblivion modders have moved on and it will take time also for the new generation of modders to take their place.





True...i hate waiting but its true. ohwell. but for now im taking a break from skyrim

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I found out about Oblivion about two years before skyrim, when the mod scene seemed to be in full swing. And to tell you the truth I never really played the game as it was originally meant to be played. I was level 2 running around in silverlight armor with sanwa's 2680 sword on my HGEC Cute Elf, Wielding Midas Spells all over Glimmerstone Keep.


It was a blast for a bit but I never got more than a superficial inkling of the lore and depth of the Elder Scrolls Games( I had a friend who used to go on and on about Morrowind, but I was a console gamer at the time and never paid much attention.)


My advice is to wander around a bit, notice all the little details the Developers put in to every cell. There are corpses and abandoned camps that tell a story without one single line of dialogue. I must have run by the ruined wagon in the Rift a hundred times before I noticed the little parchment stuck to the nearby signpost warning traders to stay clear of the giant camp. Little stuff like that can really make your trip fun.


I f you are like a lot of folks on here and have already ferreted out every secret the game holds, try DLing a couple player made quests. Sure they may be short and definitely not as flashy as a new Armor set, but the modders really put a lot of work into these and release them for other's enjoyment, not just to hit some deadline or fill some quest quota for an area. (I'm looking at you Temba Wide-Arm...)


Or if all you care about is pushing the game to the limit of it's code and beyond with big flashy OP weapons, buxom babes and 4 dragon followers at the same time, that is certainly your prerogative( And quite fun in it's own right), I just think you are cheating yourself out of a lot of interesting moments by passing over all the little mods that the community puts so much care into making.

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  On 3/29/2012 at 3:37 AM, Rabbit 51 said:

No, not at all. Oblivion had six years of mods that people had made for it.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't there TC mods for Oblivion that are STILL under development? Nehrim and...that Russian one...but yeah, Skyrim has been out for...what...5 months? Ish? Give it time. As for me, there are some skyrim mods that have me continuously pissing my girlish, fur, trouserless kilt with sheer, unadulterated Nordic glee.

Edited by ClericMagnus
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I took a break after Xmas from Skyrim because all that was coming out for the most part were retextures. Although there were a few inventive mods out there, until the CK came out, it was pretty bland. I've come back the last few weeks and have been pleasantly pleased with the number of mods that have come out with the CK being so new...so it's all a matter of perspective.


As Rabbit said, Oblivion followed the same pattern and it I did pretty much the same thing with it...played it vanilla, then waited a bit for more mods to come out.



Just a matter of time and trying not to burn out on the game while waiting, but as mentioned, give modding a try and you may find a new way to enjoy the game!

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  On 3/29/2012 at 5:24 AM, TakezoDunmer2005 said:

Here's a suggestion, why not take the dive into the realm of modding yourself? I guarantee you that once you mod your first dungeon, you'll never see Skyrim as boring ever again!


So what skills and software does somebody need to start doing that?

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@ ClericMagnus: Nehrim isn't a mod for Oblivion. It's an entirely new game based upon the Oblivion game engine. All content, every mesh, every texture, and every script, is original. There's nothing about Elder Scrolls in it at all.


@ProjectVRD: There are modding forums where people can give you advice. Try "Skyrim Mod Talk" right here on Nexus.

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Also you need the Creation Kit, as a minimum.


Blender, Paint.NET, Nifskope, and Gimp 2.0 are basically the free requirements for making all-new models and textures, but those require serious skills and you can easily make dungeons and quests and that sort of thing with just the Creation Kit.

Edited by Rennn
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