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I feel like skyrim mods are so dull


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With masterpieces like this, how could you ever complain about Skyrim mods being dull.


30,000 downloads of that is disturbing


I find your lack of tolerance... disturbing.

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I don't think it's really the game that is boring. Some people run through a game once or - gah - twice and find the excitement of the wonders, gone. You get basically the same skins, the same rendering, the same, same same. All the dungeons are the same, that is, hear about item, find cave, kill bad critter, get item, go to town, sell junk, look for new cave.


That's a lot about a game that people see after their 3rd or 50th play through. The novelty and shock/awe of the "new" is gone and interest ebbs. A hard core gamer, role player, or enthusiest does not just look at the vanilla game as a single time run through. We invest effort into finding what makes things happen, why did this quest break and help find a solution. Create and test things to make it better. We like the idea that world is now a confortable place. A place, we as our toon, live and know about. We know of rumors of dragon priests and rumors of giant spiders, and the living dead and the daedric and the dark brotherhood. We know of the companions and all their deeds, of the mages guild in its glory and in its deception. We know of rumor of war and the legend of Talos. We know, we "live" here. This is our land, from birth or since capture.


A mod adds to our world. Changes rumor and makes it a new day. We still know what makes our "world' tick and flow from day to day, but we really only go on what we see, hear and experience. Each mod puts a little more flavor and excitement back into the daily grind. Its a small change that can affect my daily "life" in the lands. Its a large change that can be "life" altering. The point is, it give us more to look forward to, the great imagination and ability of incredible writers. It can be a sounding baord for bigger and better games. You never know who a person is by a name. What their skill level is or who they work for in RL. They may be programmers for Bethesda or other good gaming companies trying out an idea before it becomes a game or a DC from the authoring company. Mods give us insight and pleasure long after the life cycle of the vanilla game. Although I am NO fan of STEAMypile, I do get my $$ worth of game play. Mods make each new day and enjoyment and continuation of that first day. When upon opening your software, looking at the shiney metallic looking disk in wonder and excitement, getting the program loaded and watching the first cinematic as the game loads.

Edited by Brandy_123
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With masterpieces like this, how could you ever complain about Skyrim mods being dull.


30,000 downloads of that is disturbing


I find your lack of tolerance... disturbing.


My opinion and my tolerance are two entirely different things


Have it your way then. I'm sure I'll manage to get the rest of the forum p***** at me eventually anyway. :facepalm:

Edited by Rennn
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