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NMM search box issue.


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Anyone else having a problem that when they type into the NMM search box, after one letter the cursor vanishes and you have to click it again for the next one and so on?


Not sure if it's my hardware or something else, But it's really odd.


Thanks in advance.

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Do you use a laptop, and does the hand lightly 'brush' over the surface thing near the front? I quit using that on laptops years ago and always connect a mouse for the very reason you're describing. or I'd be writing a document then all the sudden my cursor is somewhere else in the document as I'm proceeding to make a mess of it. LOL


Just an idea of where to look. Maybe try another web browser? I use Chrome or Opera these days, death to IE, Edge, and Mozilla (sorrt Firefox, you used to be the One but not anymore)

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