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I fell in love with Hadvar when doing the Imperial side of the civil war.

I know it's probably stupidly simple but can some one make me a mod where he's a marry-able?


From the first moment you start the game he's sympathetic, saves you, takes you to his uncle...

He's also so timid when it comes to missions, he's adorable.

I wanna have his babies :3

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Thanks for the link, although sadly it did not work.

There are a few reasons it might not-

At this point I can not open dialogue with him.

He was and might still be unkillable (Im not about to try to figure it out...)

Also the thread you linked me to was targetting a female character while he is male.


Or another reason I can't think of.

I dont get an error message when I entered the console commands on him though, but it still won't open the dialogue.

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