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Is it the mods or the game?


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I do recall that there was a memory issue with either Oblivion or Skyrim, maybe both, where, if you played for too long without restarting the game, the engine would stop cycling data through memory correctly and eventually crash. I was guaranteed to crash after playing around 3-4 hours. That was related to (but not solely because of) the games being unable to detect more than a certain amount of memory (not being large address aware). It is entirely possible that Fallout 4 retains that issue, or a similar one, and simply takes longer to hit that point because of the higher amount of RAM it is able to use.

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This is exactly what I was looking.Just noticed same thing.I started new game just yesterday.Highly tweaked and down-grated settings.Game runs very smoothly without any problems.

Then I put settings to ultra.Everything was still fine.No any issues.Then I installed subtle-enb and enhanced lightning fx.And still ultra settings.I ran from sanctuary to Corvega and put whole place to fire and after that I ran to Bunker Hill(another place where I get lot of issues).Still,no any stutter,blurry textures etc.All was fine.

Today I continued playing(now lowered settings,just to be sure) and after first settlers game to sanctuary my game started to stutter,textures going to blurry and all **** what I have get from this game once I bought it.I'm not sure is reason with settlements or what but stutter started when I started to build sanctuary.

Edit:And yes,this happens every time I play this game.At start all runs fine but after certain point everything goes wrong.

Edited by Timba888
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I'm also wondering if hackers have something to do with the repeated crashes. I get 4-5 emails a day from Steam saying someone tried to access my account from Asia. I know in other games I've played when someone tries to log into the account one is playing it would make the game crash. So part of my problems may be from hackers constantly trying to access my game. I think I am getting targeted because of 1700 hours of game play. The hacker are thinking they will hijack a game with all sorts of fantastic stuff built in it. Little do they realize all those hours are wasted time since it represents several games that all eventually became unplayable because of endless crashing, bugs and problems with the game itself. This problem can be fixed by blocking IPs in a certain range. But it seems Steam won't do that because they fear they may block a future income source.

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