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What's your line?


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My line is 'DON'T **** WITH ME!!' after killing an NPC. I want my char in Oblivion to say that after the attacker is dead, but I gotta learn audacity's concepts on how to handle MP3 formats.


This is a line I made entirely myself in the game, using the CS. It wasn't from the game itself.

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Ah, but can you beat Morrowind's "I don't recall using a teleportations spell... but there I was, alone... naked..."?


I like the "Home is where you hang your enemy's head!" line, too! Sheogorath has some of the best lines, as well.


"You got yourself a deal, idiot. Now I can sell it for five times its worth."

"Hssst, get away from me housecat! Ugh, look at that fur, what a disgrace!"

-M'raaj-Dar (if your character is a Khajiit)

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My favourite, and I had to use it in a picture.


" *gasp* You're The Gray Fox ! Please don't hurt me !"

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Dar Jee, the thief argonian in Leyawiin:

"Hi, I'm Dar Jee, a Khajiit in disguise. Wanna see me lick my butt?"


The Khajiit joke he tells you is also good.


rofl! you got to be kidding me!? :D ...... oh I'm going to die laughing!

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"I dont know who the 'Night Mother' is. But she pays me to kill People. My own Mother should have loved me that much!"


"I know what you're thinking. Gorgron, he's to big to be sneaky! Well, you're right! Me? I just like to go in and hack my Targets to Pieces. Ha!"


I like Gorgron gro Bolmok =)

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I Think mine would have to be " I'm so happy I could just rip out your intestines and strangle ya with em" Sheogorath


My second is " You'd better not fail me or... Out come those intestines and I jump rope with em"


Its also funny when a guard kills another guard then walks over to the body and says "we have a killer in our mist, but who"

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