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Patch is out


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Good point mate "Steam client itself updates, it wipes out any user settings for steam" - no one from Steam bothered to tell us that... Also generally - peeps didn't you know that you don't own your computer, Steam does (very sarcasm). Someone blow up all InterNet servers - and let us go buy a nice box of DVDs and install game - right?


@ fraquar


Aren't you aware of this new word and greatest invention of all - The Cloud - yes no one actually knows what it means, except sharing your private data to other a**holes, who don't give s**t about you anyway, and governments who need exact details of people behaviour in game market business, so they can sell their bs products better - yeah the CLOUD - why the he** would I wanna save my games to cloud? When I can backup save here in my computer? Oh excuse me cloud inventors .. your computer - all I say fu* that shi* - that's so f.....


- sorry about that - I just meant to say - I don't like my computer asking server rights from my fire wall TO EVERY GOD DAMN application today!!! AND then they complain about computer security and how viruses spread ! No wonder when your firewall has 10 ports open to play just one game, same goes with Steam, earlier it worked with outbound connection (with firewall software). Now it won't start without server rights (allow Inbound/Outbound), that means they can even send you a file full Sh** to your desktop anytime they want, trust me they can. (example I had McAfee Firewall installed with server rights, went Net with browser, contacted tech support and they just put a file to MY Win desktop - and just said double click that).



So Steam wants server rights, do you really think it really affects which settings you put there, especially as earlier in this thread they overwrite your files?


Well I guess I have let people know about my frustrations enough lol, you shouldn't read this sentence if you disagree.

Edited by ScorpionHunter
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For a single player game a DVD install is all you need - because the only reason you should ever need to even be online with a single player game after that is to download an incremental update. The install process is about 20-50 times longer than it needs to be (depending on your internet connection) with an online distribution system.
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Oh yeah, last 2 SKSE updates, I first came here saying, game's been updated - then realised I could try if there is SKSE update AND yes - they are quick - I hope someone from SKSE team is reading this - thank you you're the best!


@ soarow


Don't blame patch. it's your computer.

Edited by ScorpionHunter
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I must be different then cause my game works with newest patch with 100+ mods perfectly. Or maybe it's because I know what I'm doing? no?



I mean no offense to you, but patches are ok - point is which mods fit with the newest update - really no offense :)

Edited by ScorpionHunter
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thats good for you so why don't you go and play...instead of spamming in this thread and bothering me with useless and unhelpful comments..thank you and nice evening


edit: dragon script caused the crashes, solved

Edited by soarow
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I had to do a re-install, because apparently there was an internal indexing problem after the update. If I have one more issue with an update jacking with my system I'm just gonna put this game on the shelf for a while - it's growing old fast. Edited by fraquar
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