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Changing master files after merging


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I'd like to merge all my weapon and armor mods to have one big weapon_armor_merged.esp and save space.

Problem is that others mods need some of these weapons mods as master files. What can I do to change these dependencies from, for example, Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp to weapon_armor_merged.esp?

Is there a simple solution using TES5Edit? Wrye Bash? Merge plugins standalone?


Thanks :thumbsup:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd be interested to know if this is possible too. For example, being able to merge Immersive Armors with Immersive Weapons to save a mod space. In truth, it doesn't affect me playing S:LE as I'm well below the mod limit, however if that limit ever arrives, having the knowledge to free up space would be useful.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Should just be able to load up all your mods (merged and non-merged as well as those requiring the master files) in XEdit.

Click on the mods that have the non-merged as a dependency.

expand them then click on the file header section.

In the right window you will see all the dependencies, just change the non-merged esp to the merged esp name.


This I'm fairly sure this would work, however in your merge process it would have changed the editor IDs of any of those merged links, I'm not sure if changing the file header will automatically update those links.


worth a shot, just check one of the linked record entries (such as a levelled list trying to add in armors for immersive armors), then change the file header, then go back to the levelled list and make sure those immersive armor links are still there and aren't showing as NULL RECORD.

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