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Can't attach script to note; workaround ideas?


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Right so, I have a puzzle in my mod that involves having the player read a page from a book in a foreign tongue and then that page translated into English, and despite being just one page each and almost underwhelming in my hands physically, these two notes are massive and unwieldy in the Pip-Boy.


As such, I came up with what I thought was a great idea, which was to use a script with an OnEquip block to let the player open just these two notes as message boxes. And then I found out that you can't attach scripts to notes. My best workaround idea involves using Misc items instead of or in addition to Note items, but is there a cleaner way anyone can think of? Thanks.

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Well, what I'm trying to achieve is that the player can open it at will and look at the two notes back and forth as they think about the puzzle, as opposed to opening a message box just the one time. Sorry if that wasn't clear in my description above (sometimes you get so caught up in your work you forget that everyone doesn't have the same frame of reference). Thanks for the suggestion, though.


Right now I'm trying to understand the limits and abilities of this function:



I have a feeling that if I can get the syntax of that, I can use that, but I'm a bit confused about it at the moment.


Edit: So, after a bit of discussion, I'm probably going with that Misc item workaround. It seems that SetOnMenuClickEventHandler may have worked but that as far as I can tell, it only returns and refers the item number in the list, and there's no way to determine that that would be the note I want or select the list number based on its corresponding note. Shame, that. Any ideas are still welcome, though I've mostly lost hope.

Edited by EPDGaffney
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Here's a crazy idea. How about make a weapon item you can equip (one hander)... and when it is drawn ... the item almost completely blocks the players view looking like the player is holding the page up to be read.


I guess that will take some nifty blender work to pull off though ? I had messed with trying to make a texture that was made from a program I have called Comic Book Creator ... placing it on a one sided object , that would get placed in front of the player view. But I hadn't and still haven't had much experience with making a custom texture ... to make it display correctly. Was just showing pieces of it at the time ... and I scrapped the project.


So if a weapon can't be made to look like a page ... could just re-texture a flat object and place it in front of the player ... forcing first person view.

Edited by Mktavish
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Yes, Mktavish, I am thinking that flat object idea will be great if I understand how to do it. I need some help if anyone knows, because guess what? Message boxes can't be longer than 1023 characters! Someone shoot me.


This object is meant to be accessed via the inventory, so perhaps I should put it where the Pip-Boy is and turn the Pip-Boy invisible. Trying to think of the best way to do that. Maybe putting it slightly closer than the Pip-Boy is even better. There will be a message box that allows toggling between two items like this, and this will pause the game, so that should be good.


How do the terminal or blackjack screens work? Could I just do something like that with a custom image?

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