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Upgrade-able Player Owned Areas?


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So, the purchasable houses in the Holds can be upgraded through the Jarl's Steward. How would one go about creating such abilities in the Creation Kit, for a custom space? I was also wondering if anyone knew of a way to make theme-able houses, like in Fallout 3.
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It's a quest that does the house Not a script. if you look for a script that does it you will spend a month of Sundays looking for it. The quest is specifically named "HousePurchase" Duplicate the quest and modify it to suit the house you made.
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Pretty sure all the action is just in how the relevant objects are linked to an xmarker in the house that is their 'activate parent'. The quest, in a tiny script fragment(1 line pretty much), tells that thing to enable and all the stuff appears.


That should help you refine your search even more. Look forward to whatever you end up making :D

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  • 1 year later...

The quest, in a tiny script fragment(1 line pretty much), tells that thing to enable and all the stuff appears.


Yeah I know this thread is over a year old, but I need to know this..


What would this script fragment be, if you don't mind me asking?

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The quest, in a tiny script fragment(1 line pretty much), tells that thing to enable and all the stuff appears.


Yeah I know this thread is over a year old, but I need to know this..


What would this script fragment be, if you don't mind me asking?


Well this is a first. I can actually help someone with a script! Feels pretty darn cool actually. Ahem, anywho to answer you question check out this youtube tutorial by the very talented Darkfox127.


Using the script shown, I was able to do this!



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