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What's causing my Sniper Rifle "missing texture"?


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I'm having a bit of a weird problem with my sniper rifle (or any variant, such as Reservist's Rifle)


When I fire it, I ended up standing in the middle of that "missing texture" sign (Bit red square block with the exclamation mark) so my vision turned red. At first I thought I got hit, but I realized I can move aside. If I shoot multiple times, I get this multiple times.


And this ONLY happens with Sniper Rifle, ANY variant of sniper rifle (regular, Reservist's, etc.) Not with any other rifle.


I checked with FO3Edit, there are NO mods that messed with that rifle.


So I figured I somehow destroyed a crucial texture, probably the muzzle flash. But I thought I reinstalled the texture packs.


How do I find the texture and put it back? It's annoying, but it's not game stopping.

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Well, the technical info would be



Hardware: Dell XPS 17 (laptop) with NVIDIA GeForce 445M (i7 first gen w/ 14 GB of RAM) not overclocked, 3.5GB of VRAM, with SSD/HD, both have several hundred GB's free


OS: Windows 10 Home 64-bit with latest patches (legal, not pirated)


Game: FO3 1.7 w/ latest FOSE, including ENBoost, NVAC, SutterRemover, etc. It's 4GB Enabled


Other Utilities: I am following the STEP guide for setup and I have NMM / MO installed, as well as WyreFlash, LOOT, etc. Just did GamerPoet's ESM cleaning on the official DLC ESMs.


LOOT log shows no conflicts, but there's load order:


0 0 Fallout3.esm
1 1 Anchorage.esm
2 2 ThePitt.esm
3 3 BrokenSteel.esm
4 4 PointLookout.esm
5 5 Zeta.esm
6 6 Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch.esm
7 7 CRAFT.esm
8 8 CALIBR.esm
9 9 Project Beauty.esm
10 a Advanced Recon Tech.esm
11 b DCInteriors_ComboEdition.esm
12 c EVE.esm
13 d CustomBeginning.esp
14 e DarNifiedUIF3.esp
Project Beauty- Broken Steel.esp
Project Beauty- Point Lookout.esp
15 f CASM.esp
16 10 JIP Selective-Fire.esp
17 11 Advanced Recon Tech.esp
18 12 Fellout-Full.esp
19 13 DCStreet - BS.esp
20 14 Realistic Interior Lighting.esp
21 15 Advanced Recon Gear.esp
22 16 Advanced Recon Armor.esp
Advanced Recon Armor-Easier Stealth.esp
23 17 TinCanCRAFTing.esp
24 18 CRAFT - Activation Perk.esp
25 19 Sprint- and Grenade-O-Matic.esp
26 1a PracticeMakesPerfect.esp
27 1b Stealthboy Recon Armor - CRAFT.esp
28 1c Revamped Leveling.esp
Blackened EVE + Project Beauty.esp
29 1d Rivet City Realignment.esp
30 1e Another Interior Mod.esp
Megaton Walkway - old.esp
31 1f Megaton Walkway.esp
32 20 Dogmeat Leather Armor - no crafting.esp
33 21 CustomBeginningGOTY.esp
34 22 MoreMapMarkers.esp
35 23 Dree Perks.esp
36 24 CALIBRxMerchant.esp
Quieter Mole Rats.esp
37 25 GNR Enhanced.esp
38 26 MegatonHouseExtraStorage.esp
39 27 Vendors More Caps - Lore Friendly.esp
40 28 CouncilSeatFix.esp
41 29 EVE Grenade Explosion.esp
42 2a safe_regulator_hq.esp
43 2b Purity Crash Fix.esp
44 2c MTCBigTownRobotFix.esp
HZSmoothLight - FO3.esp
45 2d LeatherBackpack - eng.esp
46 2e dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp
47 2f PAL - MERGED.esp
48 30 Bashed Patch, 0.esp
(The other entires have either been merged into the Bashed Patch or disabled)
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If the game is installed in the default location (Program Files), you need to move it to another place on your hard drive.


Compatibility patches should not be merged or bashed.


Fellout is too high in your load order.


Did you edit the fallout.ini in your documents folder to limit the CPU to two cores?


Do not clean .esm and do not use LOOT to sort your load order.


Disabled mods should be removed from the game data folder. Anything in the data folder will be loaded into memory.

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a) it's a steam install on my alternate drive, so no, it's not in Program Files.


b) As I said before, the game's running fine. In fact, it ran fine for HOURS without even a hiccup or a CTD.


c) I'll move Fellout to near the end. It's not conflicting with anything any way.


d) Seems cleaning ESM is a really controversial topic around here. Hehehe.


e) I only use LOOT to check for potential conflicts, old versions, and such. I don't actually use it to sort my load order.


f) Yes, INI has been fully updated, checked with Both BethINI and FO3 Configator, then NOTEPAD for good measure


g) I'll double check the data folder again.


Is there a way to compare what's in the sniper rifle's data folder with yours, so I can see what's missing? There is a sniperrifle.nif in the data/meshes/weapons/2handrifle folder. Looks fine. Texture is there in dta/textures/weaons/2handrifle too (sniperrifle.dds). So it's neither the texture nor the mesh.


EDIT: It was definitely one of the texture packs I installed recently that screwed up the textures for the muzzle flash effect, as I thought.


I finally figured out the problem... I was a dummy reading FO3EDIT. The AssaultRifleMuzzleFlash.NIF is missing from the meshes/effects/muzzleflashes folder. WTF?


The quick fix is to download this mod, which provided some replacement muzzle flashes.



Edited by kschang77
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It wasn't the muzzle flash. It was the CASING!


Not sure how it happened, but one of the mods (CustomBeginnings) changed the casing of the sniper rifle from the default 762mmCasing.nif to to 308casing.nif which doesn't exist! But strangely, 762mmcasing.nif doesn't exist either! WTF? I know it's supposed to be in there! It took a couple different readings of FO3 edit to pick that up ARGH!!!!


Somehow when I uninstalled something earlier (probably WMK) it took out ORIGINAL game assets. That's NMM for ya. :-P


For now I'm just going to make a copy of the 556natocasing.nif to the respective file names. I suspect I'll get them back when I install WMK, but I don't want to complicate things right now.

Edited by kschang77
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I seem to be missing a TON of files. WTF? How the game continues to run boggles my mind.


What I am going to do is make a copy of my existing setup (13 GB!) then Steam verify integrity and redownload the files. I'll then copy my setup back OVER the virgin install. That *should* fix any missing files. (I think).

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