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Need help changing Mod file name


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I had some problems with a house mod I downloaded. It seemed to be a problem only I was having, so I ended up going into the mod, adding some characters/items/factions in order to make it work for me. I am worried that if the original author updates, it will overwrite my changes and I will have to recreate them. I don't want to post my changes anywhere, they are just to help me. Is there a way I can change the file name for the mod and have the skse loader still recognize it?


I am sorry if this seems like a rookie question. I'm definitely in the minor leagues when it comes to modding. Thanks for your help!

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You can rename a mod and SKSE won't care.


However, to your savefiles it would be as if you deleted the mod, and then installed a completely new one.

As it's a house mod you'd want to clear all your stuff out first.


So uninstall the mod you have.

Open your saved game to see that's it's gone, and then do a clean save.

Now re-install the mod, changing the esp name (and bsa name to match - if there is one).


BTW, if you've edited the mod and only added stuff, then you could probably just put those changes in your own personal mod.

It wouldn't matter then if the author updates theirs.

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