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A couple simple GECK questions


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I've laid a large block of concrete down in the wasteland and all is well except there is grass growing through the concrete in game. After searching for about two hours here, the GECK help pages and the internet I still don't have a clue how to see the grass in the GECK, let alone how to get rid of it.


My other, current, problem is trying to go back to perspective view from ortho. Every time I switch, ortho. to persp. I get a wild day/night view thing going that is so distracting that progress becomes nearly impossible.


Thanks for any help you can offer.

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I don't think it is possible to render grass in the game. It's a matter of guess and check when trying to delete them, too. That's why I mentally plan in my mind where I want certain land textures to be, because that too will decide where which grasses go where (if any at all). The thing to know is that grass is attached to a land texture...so if you're painting the terrain, you better be sure what landscape textures you are using. For example, if you look in the GECK, there are two suburb grass landscape texture: The normal one (with grass) and one that has a "nograss" suffix (no grass duh).
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