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Ultimate Texture Overhall


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Within the next few months, I am going to be getting an upgraded computer, and at that time I want to put in every good HD texture package here on Nexus. So, my question to you all who honestly know more about this than I do, what are the best HD texture replacers? I don't necessarily mean things that make stuff look different, like a character or town remodel (though can me, more on that momentarily), just have a higher texture from the vanilla, like the HD NPC Clothing mod for example ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=2674 ). This would also include lighting fixes/adjustments to make Skyrim look smoother or more cinematic.


I want to start to compile this list so when my new comp is ready then I can go to one source and download everything. Now I'm sure that someone will say something about "It's a matter of opinion as to what you think looks good." Yes, you are right, but I mean just the HD packages. Though there are some things that might look good that aren't just an HD texture replacement. For instance there's the 2k HD package that has 600+ textures which looks really good, but then there's some floral ones that aren't in there, and then just today I ran across a redo of the College which was pretty cool. So that's why I said not necessarily before, because if someone kinds this HD mod good but it's a re-texture then by all means link it.

Edited by Magnivore
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Try mine. :biggrin:


I balanced the sizes, optimized it, and at least upgraded all 16K textures not just some. Plus, you can install any texture mod on top with no conflicts (though the others will not be normalized for size, and possibly not optimized). It also comes with customized (ENB) shaders, and comes in a Nano version for those that cannot handle HiRes.

Edited by KMA
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What about a mod to make enemies scale better with your level? At epic-level levels they seem to not be as strong as the player is.

What's the point to level up? To be stronger than our enemies.


Well yes, but if I take my level 86 Blaziken on route 101 to level up, it's going to take a lot longer and be much more boring than if I went somewhere more our level. I just want things to be more even and not a complete blowout.

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Does it Affect The Game Performance?


Yes, it is a very large (filesize) texture mod and will effect game performance. Of course, it depends on your system as to how much it will cost in FPS. Even mine costs some FPS, and that is with thousands of optimized and normalized files.

Edited by KMA
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