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Modding shouts? help please!


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The slow time effect is hard coded. That's why there's a slow time effect archetype for you to choose when you create a magic effect. But there's no such thing for whirlwind sprint.


I've looked through the CK before, and just like you and DutchJ, I couldn't find anything that might control the shout from looking at its magic effect. What I did find was that the animation for whirlwind shout was unique. We all know that our characters only move because they play the animations, right?


Well to me, it seems obvious that the reason we move so fast when we use the shout is because we play an animation of us moving dozens of feet ahead of ourselves at an extremely high speed.


You can test it yourself. If you add a condition like "GetIsID Player == 0" to the animations I pointed out, whirlwind sprint no longer works. You still get the sound, the animation of you shouting, and the blur effect on the screen, but you stay in place.


Adding the same condition to the animation of slow time does nothing. The slow time effect still works, everyone is still slowed down.


Unfortunately, I can't be 100% sure because I am unable to duplicate the effects of whirlwind shout using SendAnimationEvent. The reason is probably what is described in this thread.

Edited by fg109
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Ok, creation kit SUCKS!


Check out Unrelenting Force. The FIRST "spell" (Fus) for unrelenting force has only 2 effects: weak damage and stagger.


Stagger seems to stagger enemies. Nice.


Weak damage...damages enemies a bit.


But where the hell is the spell effect movement speed (how fast the effect travels because it moves really slow)? and the amount of push that the spell has on things it comes into contact with.


Is it really that undeveloped? Surely, this "creation kit" isn't what the devs used to make the game, otherwise they probably wouldn't be able to make unrelenting force push things around...

Edited by danjako43
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Indeed, when I looked at this the first week CK came out, that was the first thing that I noticed. Shout effects weren't directly in the CK but coded - that's alright with me. Then there's the behavioral shout effects like Whirlwind sprint - ugh that means roughly a year or two before that's accessible. Finally when I went to actually create a new shout, the new words themselves are unable to be made usable ingame unless you attach some code and a DDS image that doesn't even exist in the CK nor the BSA!
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Indeed, when I looked at this the first week CK came out, that was the first thing that I noticed. Shout effects weren't directly in the CK but coded - that's alright with me. Then there's the behavioral shout effects like Whirlwind sprint - ugh that means roughly a year or two before that's accessible. Finally when I went to actually create a new shout, the new words themselves are unable to be made usable ingame unless you attach some code and a DDS image that doesn't even exist in the CK nor the BSA!


Why is the creation kit so incomplete? What the hell? Any other programs more powerful than this piece of cr*p from Beth? Perhaps a hacked-up creation kit?

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I'm not really sure what you guys are complaining about. I just made a new shout and tested it out. Worked fine. Sure, you have to create the Shout, the Words of Power, and the Spells. Then you have to obtain the Shout via some combination of TeachWord, UnlockWord, and AddShout but that's just how Shouts work. What's the problem?
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