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Any good Combat/AI mods recently?


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Im not talking overhauls like Horizon or anything. I just want some basic difficulty added. Smarter AI and such. Just something that isn't so all inclusive that makes changes to all things in the game, like needs.


Want to play survival, with enemies that are just a bit smarter to give the game a bit more of a challenge and such.

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I use immersive gameplay overhaul. it does change quite a few thinhs like economy, but not too much that it strays from vanilla. the main feature that I use it for is combat and npc ai, I've wanted to try something like better locational damage, but IG does it so well, that I'm afraid to let it go. csnt recomend it enough, and the author has been supporting it for a long time.


it actually has its own version version of scrap everything as well, which could be a deal breaker for some. personally I think it has worked better than the original scrap everything, and have used this mod for 1000s of hours with no problems.

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I do not know if there is a mod that makes enemies smarter but I do know there are several mods that makes them stronger and very difficult to kill, like WOTC ( War of the Commonwealth ) ... and wait for the new SOTC ( Spawns of the Commonwealth ) which will be out very soon and it will be more stable and harder than WOTC ... also, Raiders Overhaul, Super Mutant Redux, Stronger Robots and Synths and Faster Respawn mods are those that will make your game, very challenging.


If you want it to be stronger, then make some of them stronger via FO4Edit. Ask permission to the mod author in question and most likely, you will be granted the permission to override what they did as far as you use your custom mod for yourself only.


I got the permission from one mod author that I use ( mentioned above ) and I increased the enemy health, damage resistance and energy resistance and now they are much stronger than before. I am playing in Very Hard and I am having a lot of fun as far as I stay alive because I have been killed already a couple of times ....


... btw, if you donwload/install WOTC, set it up to Loosen Cannon and you will have a lot of spawns everywhere ( all kind of enemies : raiders, ghouls, insects, animals, robots and synths ) ... you will be fighting in circles because you will be surrounded by every single angle ...... any smarter than that ? Happy killing dude !!

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I do not know if there is a mod that makes enemies smarter but I do know there are several mods that makes them stronger and very difficult to kill, like WOTC ( War of the Commonwealth ) ... and wait for the new SOTC ( Spawns of the Commonwealth ) which will be out very soon and it will be more stable and harder than WOTC ... also, Raiders Overhaul, Super Mutant Redux, Stronger Robots and Synths and Faster Respawn mods are those that will make your game, very challenging.


If you want it to be stronger, then make some of them stronger via FO4Edit. Ask permission to the mod author in question and most likely, you will be granted the permission to override what they did as far as you use your custom mod for yourself only.


I got the permission from one mod author that I use ( mentioned above ) and I increased the enemy health, damage resistance and energy resistance and now they are much stronger than before. I am playing in Very Hard and I am having a lot of fun as far as I stay alive because I have been killed already a couple of times ....


... btw, if you donwload/install WOTC, set it up to Loosen Cannon and you will have a lot of spawns everywhere ( all kind of enemies : raiders, ghouls, insects, animals, robots and synths ) ... you will be fighting in circles because you will be surrounded by every single angle ...... any smarter than that ? Happy killing dude !!


Yeah WoTC wont be something I can use because of Sim Settlements and a few other scripts. I know It uses a lot and the longer you play, more likely to crash. I wasn't looking into making them bullet sponges and stuff. Just..overall better enemies without the bad balances of easy->very hard does.


Think might found one. know anything about arbitration?

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This is awesome mod for the AI behaviour: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/27763


I use it on survival difficulty with unbogus overhaul, custom spawn and damage rates, kinda I have found good and challenging values for survival with unbogus: fXPModBase 0.3, fDiffMultHPByPCSV 0.9, fDiffMultHPToPCSV 1.75, iHoursToRespawnCell 48, iHoursToRespawnCellCleared 96

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