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Creation kit coming to consoles?


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Well I just texted ChaCha I asked ''Are mods coming to skyrim on consoles'' and they said ''The creation kit is coming so many fans of the game will be making mods very soon''.



If you want to ask ChaCha text 242-242 it's free.




Also on twitter Pete Hines said ''Some things coming down the road in April for all you Rage and Skyrim fans. April is gonna have some cool news and surprises. Stay tuned''



What do you guys think of this?

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I doubt it will happen, sony and microsoft already said they wont allow it.Still console users wouldn´t be able to make stuff with new models or improve textures, just making stuff with the vanilla version and even so I wonder what happens to the consoles when a mod pushes it too hard.Bethesda would have tons of complains about broken consoles. Edited by scot
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I want ready-made mods on the X-Box 360! I don't need to create them myself, so I don't need a Creation Kit, I just want the best mods on Nexus to be available on the X-Box! Is that too much to ask?


And I want everybody with an X-Box to be able to choose which Nexus mods they want and which ones they don't want. That would be better than getting shonky upgrades.


If it doesn't happen, then that's really *unfair*!



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The fact that Bethesda made Skyrim for both PCs and consoles ruined a wonderful RPG with a lot of tradition, so it's not fair for PC users beacause they had expected a TES game that promised a lot, and not fair for console users because they won't have any mods.So they pretty much screwd everyone over.
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I forgot to say I asked the question two times and I got two answers.



answer one ''Yes mods are coming to skyrim on consoles''


answer two ''The creation kit is coming so many fans of the game will be making mods very soon''.



I'm trying to post a picture of this but I don't think it's working haha oh well.

Edited by 2pac606
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