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Load Saved Game - Missions & Mods RESETTING


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I started having this problem just before the recent update and I found a dead string where others were having the same issue and no results posted. I'm hoping a new string will bring light to this issue

and maybe someone has had this problem and knows of a solution....




Quote from Kolyana

"All - I've got a bit of a head scratcher and searching aorund on the internet I'm seeing a few people having the same problem, but no fix. Hoping you can help, otherwise my game is bjorked.

On a PC, with mods. Latest patches, latest version of the game, F4SE etc etc. Everything has been fine and dandy up until this last weekend.


When I loaded my saved game, I was suddenly flooded with mods installing themselves seemingly for the first time (pop-up messages, notifications etc) *AND* quest alerts popping up for quests I've already done ("listen to such-and-such radio" for example). Dozens of them. It is like the game forgot that I had these installed/completed already. It had DELETED everything to do with any mod: sim settlements, rifles, armor, Heather (companion); all gone. My position in the world was intact, but basically anything to do with mods was deleted, and then the mods reinstalled ... so they were present ... and any quest like "investigate XYZ" or "listen to XYZ radio" was reset.

I went back about 6 saves before this stopped happening; about six saves ago (2-4 hrs of gameplay, so nothing major) this behavior stopped and I thought I was good. I carried on playing, got close to catching up with where I was previously and left it.

Came back yesterday, latest save, AND IT'S DOING IT AGAIN; deleting all mod content, resetting quests, behaving like the mods have just been installed for the first time."

The difference I am having is that my completed quests stay completed, heather is still there but all the settlements I had built up are gone, all special clothing is gone, Mods all reload as he mentioned and all radio Freq start asking to be tuned in. Game opens up with my player and lots of NPCs nude but cait and heather are clothed. I tried just going ahead and saving and starting to go through and TS all my settlements back in ( I'm working from the previous version before recent update) but the after a couple settlements it wiped again and started reloading.

CORRECTION: Heather is gone as well so all mod items disappear, and when I try to let it reinstall all mods, save then reinstall all items missing the next reload starts over again.

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  • 1 year later...

I just started experiencing the same error, and it's really sad to see that no one has made a reply to this.

FYI, Since I never received a response to this I did end up having to delete that play through and start a new game. I made sure to update all my mods and the next play through worked OK.

I never did determine what the actual problem was though..

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This is usually caused by adding/subtracting mods mid-playthrough, or updating mods, FO4 itself, or F4SE mid play-through (because sometimes updating that stuff will screw-up a LOT of IDs - I KNOW, because I used to have this problem A LOT).


In my experience, once this happens, ALL your saves are corrupted, because your game has reshuffled IDs and is confused. There really is no saving it. I lost my last lev.75 game this way. Reinstall everything (I even went as fart as reinstalling Steam), and start from scratch, and no matter how tempting it is, DO NOT mess with your mod list in the middle of a playthrough.

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This is usually caused by adding/subtracting mods mid-playthrough, or updating mods, FO4 itself, or F4SE mid play-through (because sometimes updating that stuff will screw-up a LOT of IDs - I KNOW, because I used to have this problem A LOT).


In my experience, once this happens, ALL your saves are corrupted, because your game has reshuffled IDs and is confused. There really is no saving it. I lost my last lev.75 game this way. Reinstall everything (I even went as fart as reinstalling Steam), and start from scratch, and no matter how tempting it is, DO NOT mess with your mod list in the middle of a playthrough.

That's probably the best answer I've heard to this problem. Thanks MarkusTay.

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